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The Globalists are a fictional and ill-defined cabal of nefarious individuals. In Alex Jones' telling, they serve as antagonists to everything good and holy, and intend to probably kill everyone at the direction of the Devil.
Antisemitic Undertones / The Globalists as a PEZ Dispenser
It is impossible to discuss the specifics of Jones' claims about the Globalists without first acknowledging their historical origin and antisemitic implications. While Jones is always careful not to explicitly make antisemitic claims or directly tie claims about Globalists to claims about Jews, his sources are not so discerning.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (PEZ for short) is a horrifically antisemitic conspiracy tract (and crude forgery) that first appeared in Russia in 1903. It had the intent of justifying (and the effect of inflaming) violence against Jewish peoples in Russia. Within a few short years, the writings, and the ideas contained within them spread world-wide, helped along by rich antisemites like Henry Ford. A full summary of the lies of the PEZ is out of scope, but the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum puts it well when it says the document claims to lay out a plan "to rule the world by manipulating the economy, controlling the media, and fostering religious conflict"[1].
Alex's claims about the globalists are point by point similar to those made in the PEZ. Unfortunately, this does not definitively establish that Alex is sourcing his claims from the PEZ, because over the course of the 20th century, pretty much every prominent conspiracy drew inspiration from the claims put forward in the PEZ. It has come to underlie and inspire pretty much any conspiracy that alleges a group of powerful people with money and power are trying to seize more power.
Even if there is no direct connection between Alex and the antisemitic ideas of the PEZ, it is important to keep in mind that antisemitic claims form the basis for the kinds of conspiracy worldview that he espouses. Many of Alex's sources and guests are virulent antisemites, attracted to his worldviews because they closely mirror their own. More insidiously, because Alex is pretty much never specific about who the Globalists actually are, it's easy for his listeners to come to understand them as a specifically Jewish cabal. This makes Alex's audience easily radicalized and quick to ally with neo-Nazi and other far-right antisemitic movements.
Relationship to Anti-communist Sources
Another major (and non-exclusive) source of narratives Alex relies on is the Anti-communist movement (particularly the John Birch Society). Formed in the Cold War, these individuals tended to believe that Communist agitators, present at all levels of American society, were secretly plotting to overthrow the US.
While many of their ideas drew from the same antisemitic sources above, the Birchers were notable both for their presence in mainstream american political life, and for their overarching integration of racist beliefs around the Civil-rights movement and extreme opposition to the Federal Government's monetary policy / control. Through a multi-pronged "attack", the Birchers believed that communist forces sought to establish a "new world order".
Alex Jones has many personal and professional connections to the JBS. Through his own description, it appears that his father and grandfather were likely involved in reading and sharing JBS materials, if not full members themselves. Many of Alex's regular guests, like Joel Skousen are intellectual and literal descendants of JBS members.
The book None Dare Call It Conspiracy, written by Gary Allen, a prominent Bircher, is another example of a specific influence cited by Alex when justifying his beliefs about the globalists.
Claims about the Goals, Motives, and Means of the Globalists
Alex claims that the Globalists seek to greatly reduce the world population by violent means, bring all the survivors under the control of a tyrannical and authoritarian world-wide government, and upload themselves into machines, where they feel they will be rewarded in some way.
All of the other specifics, including timetables, means, and specific goals are fluid and change day to day in a way that is suspiciously consistent with Alex just making up the details as he goes.
Alex often, but not always, frames the Globalists as serving or being led by an evil force. Sometimes this leadership is explicitly and directly coming from the Devil. Other times, the Globalists are merely unknowingly or subconsciously serving the devil's purposes. Sometimes the globalists are even being tricked by the devil, perhaps in the guise of an alien civilization offering to trade technology.
The specific and current goals of the globalists always correspond exactly with what Alex's political enemies are pushing for in the news each day. The globalists are, in Jones' telling, capable of pushing for contradictory and non-nonsensical goals because their underlying goal is always chaos. Therefore there is literally no plan that cannot be attributed to Globalist control, so long as Alex can conceive of events turning out in a way he doesn't like.
The Globalists are usually behind their ideal schedules, usually, or course, because of the consistent and heroic effort that Alex himself has put into delaying them.
Relevant Episodes by Release Date
No. | Title | Coverage
start date |
end date |
Air date | Episode type |
10 | 10: February 6, 2017 | February 6, 2017 | February 6, 2017 | February 8, 2017 | Present Day |
13 | 13: February 14, 2017 | February 14, 2017 | February 14, 2017 | February 16, 2017 | Present Day |
17 | 17: February 7, 2017 | February 7, 2017 | February 7, 2017 | March 1, 2017 | Present Day |
19 | 19: March 3, 2017 | March 3, 2017 | March 3, 2017 | March 6, 2017 | Present Day |
20 | 20: March 6 & Celebrity Cameos | March 6, 2017 | March 6, 2017 | March 13, 2017 | Present Day |
28 | 28: How Not To Cover Alex Jones | April 10, 2017 | Deep Dive | ||
32 | 32: April 21, 2017 | April 21, 2017 | April 21, 2017 | April 24, 2017 | Present Day |
36 | 36: June 29, 2015 | June 29, 2015 | June 29, 2015 | May 3, 2017 | Time Travel |
40 | 40: May 10, 2017 | May 10, 2017 | May 10, 2017 | May 11, 2017 | Present Day |
46 | 46: June 18, 2015 | June 18, 2015 | June 18, 2015 | May 30, 2017 | 2015 Investigation |
47 | 47: June 19-July 5, 2015 | June 19, 2015 | July 5, 2015 | May 31, 2017 | 2015 Investigation |
52 | 52: July 14-21, 2015 | July 14, 2015 | July 21, 2015 | June 12, 2017 | 2015 Investigation |
56 | 56: July 22-Aug 11, 2015 | July 22, 2015 | August 11, 2015 | June 23, 2017 | 2015 Investigation |
57 | 57: August 12-16, 2015 | August 12, 2015 | August 16, 2015 | June 25, 2017 | 2015 Investigation |
67 | 67: Protocols of Zion | July 27, 2017 | Deep Dive | ||
74 | 74: October 4-6, 2015 | October 4, 2015 | October 6, 2015 | August 17, 2017 | 2015 Investigation |
75 | 75: January 7, 2011 | January 7, 2011 | January 7, 2011 | August 21, 2017 | Time Travel |
77 | 77: August 23, 2017 | August 23, 2017 | August 23, 2017 | August 25, 2017 | Present Day |
82 | 82: Oct. 27-Nov. 9, 2015 | October 27, 2015 | November 9, 2015 | September 11, 2017 | 2015 Investigation |
86 | 86: September 22, 2017 | September 22, 2017 | September 22, 2017 | September 25, 2017 | Present Day |
88 | 88: The 2015 Investigation Ends | December 16, 2015 | December 30, 2015 | October 2, 2017 | 2015 Investigation |
97 | 97: October 25, 2017 | October 25, 2017 | October 25, 2017 | October 27, 2017 | Present Day |
100 | 100: January 6-7, 2016 | January 6, 2016 | January 7, 2016 | November 6, 2017 | 2016 Investigation |
108 | 108: November 30, 2017 | November 30, 2017 | November 30, 2017 | December 1, 2017 | Present Day |
113 | 113: February 21-23, 2014 | February 21, 2014 | February 23, 2014 | December 22, 2017 | Time Travel |
116 | 116: January 5, 2018 | January 5, 2018 | January 5, 2018 | January 8, 2018 | Present Day |
117 | 117: January 8, 2018 | January 8, 2018 | January 8, 2018 | January 9, 2018 | Present Day |
119 | 119: August 16, 2012 | August 16, 2012 | August 16, 2012 | January 15, 2018 | Time Travel |
121 | 121: April 1-2, 2013 | April 1, 2013 | April 2, 2013 | January 23, 2018 | Time Travel |
123 | 123: March 18, 2008 | March 18, 2008 | March 18, 2008 | January 26, 2018 | Time Travel |
126 | 126: February 2, 2018 (Special Report) | February 2, 2018 | February 2, 2018 | February 5, 2018 | Special Edition |
136 | 136: March 30-31, 2008 | March 30, 2008 | March 31, 2008 | March 12, 2018 | Tea Party Investigation |
138 | 138: March 13-15, 2018 | March 13, 2018 | March 15, 2018 | March 16, 2018 | Present Day |
139 | 139: St. Patrick's Day Special Report | March 17, 2018 | March 17, 2018 | March 19, 2018 | Special Edition |
141 | 141: March 20-22, 2018 | March 20, 2018 | March 22, 2018 | March 23, 2018 | Present Day |
143 | 143: March 25-31 Part 1 | March 25, 2018 | March 31, 2018 | April 2, 2018 | Present Day |
145 | 145: April 2, 2018 | April 2, 2018 | April 2, 2018 | April 4, 2018 | Present Day |
146 | 146: April 4, 2018 | April 4, 2018 | April 4, 2018 | April 6, 2018 | Present Day |
147 | 147: Aaron Russo | April 9, 2018 | InfoWars Interview | ||
148 | 148: June 1-3, 2009 | June 1, 2009 | June 3, 2009 | April 10, 2018 | Time Travel |
150 | 150: Alex Jones Attempts A Face Turn | April 14, 2018 | Special Edition | ||
151 | 151: April 16, 2018 | April 16, 2018 | April 16, 2018 | April 17, 2018 | Present Day |
152 | 152: April 18, 2018 | April 18, 2018 | April 18, 2018 | April 20, 2018 | Present Day |
155 | 155: January 7-9, 2009 | January 7, 2009 | January 9, 2009 | April 27, 2018 | Tea Party Investigation |
158 | 158: January 21, 2009 | January 21, 2009 | January 21, 2009 | May 7, 2018 | Tea Party Investigation |
169 | 169: November 30, 2014 | November 30, 2014 | November 30, 2014 | June 12, 2018 | Time Travel |
170 | 170: Live In Austin | January 25, 2015 | January 25, 2015 | June 18, 2018 | Live Show, Time Travel |
186 | 186: February 17-18, 2009 | February 17, 2009 | February 18, 2009 | July 30, 2018 | Tea Party Investigation |
188 | 188: August 1, 2018 | August 1, 2018 | August 1, 2018 | August 3, 2018 | Present Day |
192 | 192: August 10, 2018 | August 10, 2018 | August 10, 2018 | August 13, 2018 | Present Day |
198 | 198: July 22, 2011 | July 22, 2011 | July 22, 2011 | August 27, 2018 | Time Travel |
199 | 199: August 29, 2018 | August 29, 2018 | August 29, 2018 | August 31, 2018 | Present Day |
202 | 202: September 4-6, 2018 | September 4, 2018 | September 6, 2018 | September 7, 2018 | Present Day |
208 | 208: March 6-8, 2009 | March 6, 2009 | March 8, 2009 | September 21, 2018 | Tea Party Investigation |
209 | 209: Drunk Hotel Interview | September 24, 2018 | Special Edition | ||
210 | 210: March 9, 2009 | March 9, 2009 | March 9, 2009 | September 26, 2018 | Tea Party Investigation |
227 | 227: March 23, 2009 | March 23, 2009 | March 23, 2009 | November 9, 2018 | Tea Party Investigation |
230B | 230B: Obama Deception, Part 2 | November 20, 2018 | Documentary | ||
230D | 230D: Obama Deception, Part 4 | November 22, 2018 | Documentary | ||
234 | 234: March 26, 2009 | March 26, 2009 | March 26, 2009 | December 3, 2018 | Tea Party Investigation |
239 | 239: December 12-13, 2018 | December 12, 2018 | December 13, 2018 | December 14, 2018 | Present Day |
251 | 251: January 8, 2019 | January 8, 2019 | January 8, 2019 | January 11, 2019 | Present Day |
258 | 258: April 12-13, 2009 | April 12, 2009 | April 13, 2009 | January 30, 2019 | Tea Party Investigation |
259 | 259: January 27-29, 2019 | January 27, 2019 | January 29, 2019 | February 1, 2019 | Present Day |
277 | 277: March 15, 2019 | March 15, 2019 | March 15, 2019 | March 18, 2019 | Present Day |
278 | 278: January 3, 2013 | January 3, 2013 | January 3, 2013 | March 22, 2019 | Sandy Hook Investigation |
283 | 283: January 4-6, 2013 | January 4, 2013 | January 6, 2013 | April 12, 2019 | Sandy Hook Investigation |
285 | 285: Lil' Taste of Poland | April 17, 2019 | Deep Dive | ||
290 | 290: April 25-26, 2019 | April 25, 2019 | April 26, 2019 | April 29, 2019 | Present Day |
306 | 306: June 4-5, 2019 | June 4, 2019 | June 5, 2019 | June 7, 2019 | Present Day |
314 | 314: February 14-15, 2013 | February 14, 2013 | February 15, 2013 | June 28, 2019 | Sandy Hook Investigation |
315 | 315: February 17-18, 2013 | February 17, 2013 | February 18, 2013 | July 1, 2019 | Sandy Hook Investigation |
317 | 317: February 19-20, 2013 | February 19, 2013 | February 20, 2013 | July 5, 2019 | Sandy Hook Investigation |
320 | 320: February 21-22, 2013 | February 21, 2013 | February 23, 2013 | July 12, 2019 | Sandy Hook Investigation |
321 | 321: February 24-26, 2013 | February 24, 2013 | February 26, 2013 | July 15, 2019 | Sandy Hook Investigation |
322 | 322: July 16-17, 2019 | July 16, 2019 | July 17, 2019 | July 19, 2019 | Present Day |
327 | 327: July 31, 2019 | July 31, 2019 | July 31, 2019 | August 2, 2019 | Present Day |
329 | 329: August 4-5, 2019 | August 4, 2019 | August 5, 2019 | August 7, 2019 | Present Day |
331 | 331: March 13-14, 2013 | March 13, 2013 | March 14, 2013 | August 12, 2019 | Sandy Hook Investigation |
332 | 332: Anunnaki Stasis and Emerald Treaties | August 14, 2019 | Project Camelot, Wacky Wednesday | ||
335 | 335: March 15-22, 2013 | March 15, 2013 | March 22, 2013 | August 25, 2019 | Sandy Hook Investigation |
337 | 337: August 28-29, 2019 | August 28, 2019 | August 29, 2019 | August 30, 2019 | Present Day |
339 | 339: March 29-April 1, 2013 | March 29, 2013 | April 1, 2013 | September 4, 2019 | Sandy Hook Investigation |
340 | 340: All About Steve | September 6, 2019 | Deep Dive | ||
342 | 342: September 6-11, 2019 | September 6, 2019 | September 11, 2019 | September 13, 2019 | Present Day |
343 | 343: April 3-8, 2013 | April 3, 2013 | April 8, 2013 | September 16, 2019 | Sandy Hook Investigation |
347 | 347: September 23, 2019 | September 23, 2019 | September 23, 2019 | September 25, 2019 | Present Day |
349 | 349: April 15-16, 2013 | April 15, 2013 | April 16, 2013 | September 30, 2019 | Sandy Hook Investigation |
350 | 350: September 29-30, 2019 | September 29, 2019 | September 30, 2019 | October 2, 2019 | Present Day |
353 | 353: Mark Richards Pt. 11 | October 9, 2019 | Project Camelot, Wacky Wednesday | ||
356 | 356: October 11, 2019 | October 11, 2019 | October 11, 2019 | October 16, 2019 | Present Day |
357 | 357: October 16, 2019 | October 16, 2019 | October 16, 2019 | October 18, 2019 | Present Day |
363 | 363: October 30, 2019 | October 30, 2019 | October 30, 2019 | November 1, 2019 | Present Day |
376 | 376: December 3-5, 2019 | December 3, 2019 | December 5, 2019 | December 10, 2019 | Present Day |
379 | 379: December 13-16, 2019 | December 13, 2019 | December 16, 2019 | December 18, 2019 | Present Day |
380 | 380: December 19-20, 2019 | December 19, 2019 | December 20, 2019 | December 23, 2019 | Present Day |
382 | 382: December 23-27, 2019 | December 23, 2019 | December 27, 2019 | December 30, 2019 | Present Day |
388 | 388: January 12-13, 2020 | January 12, 2020 | January 13, 2020 | January 15, 2020 | Present Day |
389 | 389: January 15-17, 2020 | January 15, 2020 | January 17, 2020 | January 20, 2020 | Present Day |
390 | 390: Grab Bag Minisode | January 22, 2020 | Present Day, Wacky Wednesday | ||
392 | 392: January 24, 2020 | January 24, 2020 | January 24, 2020 | January 27, 2020 | Present Day |
393 | 393: January 28, 2020 | January 28, 2020 | January 28, 2020 | January 29, 2020 | Present Day |
399 | 399: February 12-14, 2020 | February 12, 2020 | February 14, 2020 | February 17, 2020 | Present Day |
402 | 402: February 20, 2020 | February 20, 2020 | February 20, 2020 | February 24, 2020 | Present Day |
404 | 404: Mr. Jones Goes To CPAC | March 2, 2020 | Present Day | ||
408 | 408: March 11-13, 2020 | March 11, 2020 | March 13, 2020 | March 16, 2020 | Present Day |
413 | 413: March 27, 2020 | March 27, 2020 | March 27, 2020 | March 30, 2020 | Present Day |
416 | 416: April 2, 2020 | April 2, 2020 | April 2, 2020 | April 6, 2020 | Present Day |
422 | 422: April 17, 2020 | April 17, 2020 | April 17, 2020 | April 20, 2020 | Present Day |
423 | 423: April 20, 2020 | April 20, 2020 | April 20, 2020 | April 22, 2020 | Present Day |
424 | 424: April 21-22, 2020 | April 21, 2020 | April 22, 2020 | April 24, 2020 | Present Day |
425 | 425: April 23-24, 2020 | April 23, 2020 | April 24, 2020 | April 27, 2020 | Present Day |
426 | 426: April 27-28, 2020 | April 27, 2020 | April 28, 2020 | April 29, 2020 | Present Day |
429 | 429: May 3-4, 2020 | May 3, 2020 | May 4, 2020 | May 6, 2020 | Present Day |
433 | 433: May 12-13, 2020 | May 12, 2020 | May 13, 2020 | May 15, 2020 | Present Day |
436 | 436: May 22, 2020 | May 22, 2020 | May 22, 2020 | May 25, 2020 | Present Day |
440 | 440: June 1-2, 2020 | June 1, 2020 | June 2, 2020 | June 3, 2020 | Present Day |
444 | 444: June 11, 2020 | June 11, 2020 | June 11, 2020 | June 15, 2020 | Present Day |
450 | 450: June 25-26, 2020 | June 25, 2020 | June 26, 2020 | June 29, 2020 | Present Day |
461 | 461: July 25, 2020 | July 25, 2020 | July 25, 2020 | July 27, 2020 | Present Day |
467 | 467: August 7-9, 2020 | August 7, 2020 | August 9, 2020 | August 10, 2020 | Present Day |
474 | 474: June 6, 2016 | June 6, 2016 | June 6, 2016 | August 26, 2020 | Time Travel |
481 | 481: September 13, 2012 | September 13, 2012 | September 13, 2012 | September 14, 2020 | Time Travel |
498 | 498: November 7, 2016 | November 7, 2016 | November 7, 2016 | November 2, 2020 | 2016 Investigation |
505 | 505: November 18, 2020 | November 18, 2020 | November 18, 2020 | November 23, 2020 | Present Day |
506 | 506: November 22-24, 2020 | November 22, 2020 | November 24, 2020 | November 26, 2020 | Present Day |
508 | 508: December 1-2, 2020 | December 1, 2020 | December 2, 2020 | December 4, 2020 | Present Day |
509 | 509: December 3-4, 2020 | December 3, 2020 | December 4, 2020 | December 7, 2020 | Present Day |
515 | 515: December 28-29, 2020 | December 28, 2020 | December 29, 2020 | January 1, 2021 | Present Day |
517 | 517: January 5-6, 2021 | January 5, 2021 | January 6, 2021 | January 8, 2021 | Present Day |
523 | 523: January 18-19, 2021 | January 18, 2021 | January 19, 2021 | January 22, 2021 | Present Day |
528 | 528: 2021 Super Bowl Commercial Spectacular | February 7, 2021 | February 7, 2021 | February 8, 2021 | Present Day, Special Edition |
533 | 533: February 17, 2021 | February 17, 2021 | February 17, 2021 | February 19, 2021 | Present Day |
534 | 534: February 19, 2021 | February 19, 2021 | February 19, 2021 | February 22, 2021 | Present Day |
537 | 537: July 16-18, 2010 | July 16, 2010 | July 18, 2010 | March 3, 2021 | Time Travel |
540 | 540: March 15-16, 2021 | March 15, 2021 | March 16, 2021 | March 17, 2021 | Present Day |
544 | 544: May 1, 2003 | May 1, 2003 | May 1, 2003 | March 29, 2021 | 2003 Investigation |
550 | 550: April 16, 2021 | April 16, 2021 | April 16, 2021 | April 19, 2021 | Present Day |
551 | 551: April 20-21, 2021 | April 20, 2021 | April 21, 2021 | April 23, 2021 | Present Day |
552 | 552: May 6, 2003 | May 6, 2003 | May 6, 2003 | April 26, 2021 | 2003 Investigation |
554 | 554: April 30, 2021 | April 30, 2021 | April 30, 2021 | May 3, 2021 | Present Day |
578 | 578: A Little Side Track | July 19, 2021 | Deep Dive | ||
586 | 586: August 11-12, 2021 | August 11, 2021 | August 12, 2021 | August 16, 2021 | Present Day |
590 | 590: August 24, 2021 | August 24, 2021 | August 24, 2021 | August 27, 2021 | Present Day |
598 | 598: September 17, 2021 | September 17, 2021 | September 17, 2021 | September 20, 2021 | Present Day |
603 | 603: October 3-4, 2021 | October 3, 2021 | October 4, 2021 | October 8, 2021 | Present Day |
609 | 609: October 20, 2021 | October 20, 2021 | October 20, 2021 | October 25, 2021 | Present Day |
618 | 618: November 15, 2021 | November 15, 2021 | November 15, 2021 | November 17, 2021 | Present Day |
620 | 620: November 23, 2021 | November 23, 2021 | November 23, 2021 | November 26, 2021 | Present Day |
621 | 621: Reset Wars: Episode 1 | November 29, 2021 | Special Edition | ||
624 | 624: November 30, 2021 | November 30, 2021 | November 30, 2021 | December 8, 2021 | Present Day |
626 | 626: December 9, 2021 | December 9, 2021 | December 9, 2021 | December 13, 2021 | Present Day |
627 | 627: Reset Wars: Episode 2 | December 15, 2021 | Special Edition | ||
636 | 636: April 27, 2009 | April 27, 2009 | April 27, 2009 | January 14, 2022 | Time Travel |
640 | 640: January 22, 2022 | January 22, 2022 | January 22, 2022 | January 24, 2022 | Present Day |
648 | 648: February 11, 2022 | February 11, 2022 | February 11, 2022 | February 14, 2022 | Present Day |
651 | 651: February 18, 2022 | February 18, 2022 | February 18, 2022 | February 21, 2022 | Present Day |
653 | 653: February 25, 2022 | February 25, 2022 | February 25, 2022 | February 28, 2022 | Present Day |
656 | 656: March 5, 2022 | March 5, 2022 | March 5, 2022 | March 7, 2022 | Present Day |
668 | 668: April 8, 2022 | April 8, 2022 | April 8, 2022 | April 11, 2022 | Present Day |
680 | 680: July 31-August 1, 2003 | July 31, 2003 | August 1, 2003 | May 13, 2022 | 2003 Investigation |
687 | 687: May 24, 2022 | May 24, 2022 | May 24, 2022 | May 30, 2022 | Present Day |
704 | 704: 9/11, Part 2 | September 11, 2001 | September 11, 2001 | July 20, 2022 | Time Travel |
738 | 738: Taking a Powder With Chowder | October 17, 2022 | Present Day, InfoWars Interview | ||
832 | 832: July 26, 2023 | July 26, 2023 | July 26, 2023 | July 28, 2023 | Present Day |
835 | 835: August 5, 2023 | August 5, 2023 | August 5, 2023 | August 7, 2023 | Present Day |
838 | 838: August 11, 2023 | August 11, 2023 | August 11, 2023 | August 14, 2023 | Present Day |
844 | 844: March 12-15, 2004 | March 12, 2004 | March 15, 2004 | September 1, 2023 | 2003 Investigation |
892 | 892: January 19, 2024 | January 19, 2024 | January 19, 2024 | January 26, 2024 | Present Day |