119: August 16, 2012
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Dan had the best of intentions with trying to figure out what Alex Jones thought about the Slenderman so he could tell Jordan all about it. Unfortunately, it appears that Alex had no take on that, so Dan instead tells Jordan about the day where Alex goes real deep into board games and welcomes the most unlikely guest of all time onto the show.
- Live episode announced
- Dan wants to cover slender man and Bo Bergdal
- Dave Mustane wants to talk about shootings staged by Obama
- Oak Creek Sihk Temple shooting by Wade Michael Page
- Fast and Furious
- Eric Holder
- Good guy with a gun stopped the Family Research Council shooting
- Special Report: Board Game Warfare
- Chess is global politics
- Globalists fund both sides of wars
- Risk is true military conflict
- Monopoly is economic warfare in New York
- Rockefeller combined all 3 games
- The Fed always wins at Monopoly
- Dave Mustane interview is followed by Richard Belzer
- Guest: Gerald Celente, trends researcher
- Gerald out rants Alex
- Belzer is at Christopher Walken's house
- Walken jumps in to talk about cooking
- Walken uses burner phones