498: November 7, 2016
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Today, Dan and Jordan go back to the day before the 2016 election to see how Alex Jones was handling himself. Turns out, he was mostly bragging about how much traffic he was getting, and Owen Shroyer was getting knee-deep into Pizzagate.
- The election is more exciting than the birth of Alex's son
- Trump has already won because of the cultural revolution
- Guest: Anthony Gucciardi: InfoWars website is great!
- 2016 MVP: Matt Drudge
- Alex thinks Trump will lose
- Secret polls show Trump will take NY
- InfoWars is so popular
- Chinese are buying Hollywood
- Alex is amped up
- Trump isn't racist
- Mexico has no extradition
- Alex's True Story: Alex's mom's friends ask him to stop Hillary
- Globalists hate the National anthem... ad pivot
- Obama wants illegal aliens to vote
- InfoWars voter fraud email tipline
- Guest: Stefan Molyneux
- Stefan: Winner gets to rule wesern civilization for 1000 years
- Stefan talks demographic replacement
- Stefan: The left are the real racists
- Stefan: Dems are addicted to power
- Don't watch sports!
- Don't freak out if Hillary wins
- Guest: Dr Group
- Dr Group: Flu shots kill old people
- Dr Group: 2016 flu season will be the worst
- Dr Group: Don't get a flu shot
- Real liberals are against Hillary because she can't be challenged by China and Russia
- Fake crying
- Globalists hate farmers... ad pivot
- Abortion is human sacrifice
- Alex's True Story: Alex paid for 5 abortions by the time he was 16
- David Knight takes over for the 52 hour special
- Alex comes back to interview Jesse James
- Roger pushes brain force
- Alex is ready for Trump to lose
- Roger, denounce Gary Johnson
- Hunter Biden's laptop is a replay of Anthony Weiner's laptop
- Lee Ann McAdoo brags about website traffic
- Alex fudges his Trump support timeline
- Jesse James gets racist
- Jesse: if teachers are so great, why aren't they billionaires?
- Jesse hates teachers
- Jesse has a great BS detector
- Alex loses energy
- Owen does pizzagate stuff
- Caller: Paul Town worked at Comet Ping Pong
- Owen takes bullshit bait
- Owen tells people to go to Comet Ping Pong
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story