497: Third Try's A Charm
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Today, Dan and Jordan come in on their day off to see what happened when Alex Jones showed back up on Rogan's podcast. A short review: not enough Bravo.
- Joe Rogan does ads for Globalist companies
- Joe's producer Jamie is back and has beaten covid, except he still can't taste
- Alex has butterflies
- Guest: Tim Dillon, comedian, wearing "Free Ghislaine" shirt
- Joe does sober October
- Alex gives background on Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Robert Maxwell
- Alex told Joe about Epstein years ago
- Alex learned about Epstein from Ted Gunderson
- Background: Satanic Panic/ McMartin Preschool
- Joe defends Giuliani in Borat
- Joe thinks he's got the right platform for controversial people
- Joe: Censorship is a slippery slope
- Alex wants to talk about Biden's daughter's journal
- Trump can't be bought, but his kids are lobbyists
- Joe: Alex, you need a fact checker
- Kushner is good now
- Discussion: Kushner's peace deals
- Charles Kushner is a creep who hired a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law
- Just trust Alex
- Xi wants to destroy America and Trump
- Alex can't handle pushback
- Alex explains clean coal
- Utah is full of clean coal
- Carbon dioxide is good
- Global warming is a good thing
- Hurricanes have gotten weaker
- Alex explains the carbon cycle with transphobia
- BP is the biggest funder of the climate change program
- Climate change is the sun, dust, and volcanoes
- CO2 will turn deserts into jungles
- Club of Rome talk
- Endgame predicted 2020
- Alex distracts from climate change with covid lies
- Tim: what are you going to do about climate change? It's pointless
- Alex tries to weasel himself onto Joe's election episode
- Alex doesn't have documents
- Driverless cars will kill everyone
- Bill Joy article
- Alex did prepare for the appearance
- Joe defends Alex
- Ted Gunderson was great!
- Finders' investigation
- Skull and Bones has Geronimo's bones
- Tim: is Trump clean on Epstein?
- Joe: Alex, this is why you're annoying
- William Colby was murdered!
- Which Friends character are you?
- Bill Maher is king of the dems
- Joe pushes back on some things, gets distracted
- Cheers and Jeers: Covid bullshit
- Tim whitewashes Alex's comments
- Joe wants to find the actual quote from Newsom or Whitmer
- What about Whitmer's kidnapping plot?
- Unity 2020 got kicked off Twitter!
- Unity 2020 ticket: Tulsi Gabbard and Dan Crenshaw
- Whitmer quote is found
- Alex tries to distract with numerology
- Operation Lockstep investigation
- Jamie finds real Lockstep document
- Alex is caught, distracts with bullshit
- We're apes from space
- Joe is in favor of transhumanism
- Alex, what are aliens?
- Alex has the secret to immortality
- Alex goes anti-vax
- Polio vaccine causes polio
- Alex wants to retire
- Alex had problems with Adderal
- Thanks Tushy!
Detailed Show Notes
Dan and Jordan explore Alex Jones' latest visit to Joe Rogan's podcast, where all sorts of bullshit got discussed.[1]
Topics covered include:
- Jim McKelvey, co-founder of Square, which owns Cash App, is a board member of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank.
- Discussion of the death of Robert Maxwell.
- Michael Pakenham's review of the book about Robert Maxwell being a spy.
- A breakdown of the events in the McMartin Preschool trial
- Further discussion of the McMartin trial
- 1990 LA Times article about the political background of the McMartin prosecution
- Ted Gunderson lived with one of the parents of a McMartin student who was involved with the project to dig up the alleged tunnels
- The archaeological report on the McMartin tunnels is questionable
- ProPublica article about the 281 lobbyists who Trump has hired
- Politico article about the 82 former Trump administration members who went on to be lobbyists
- Reuters article about ATT&T's payments to Michael Cohen
- There were articles about the recent peace deals
- Jared Kushner's dad pled guilty to trying to blackmail his sister's husband, who was a collaborating witness against him
- The magical Utah coal mine doesn't seem to be in the USGS report
- Utah produces 2% of the US's annual coal
- Clean coal doesn't mean what Alex thinks it does
- The idea that hurricanes are getting worse is not "media hype"
- Alex is making things up about the Club of Rome's Limitations of Growth document
- The FBI's Finders files
- More information about the lawsuit filed by Geronimo's great-grandson
- AP article about the search for William Colby's body
- Medical Examiner's report about William Colby
- The Rockefeller document that Alex's conspiracy is not based on
- The Rockefeller document that Alex's Lock Step conspiracy is based on
- An explanation of what vaccine-derived polio actually is