148: June 1-3, 2009

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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about how he had to jump up his investigation into the past because Alex Jones' show was terribly produced in 2008, and thus they find themselves in 2009 moving forward. In this installment, the gents discuss how Alex use to understand that cops were unjustly killing black people, how Alex used to have to allow his sponsors to come on air as guests, and how hilarious Kinky Friedman is.


  • Alex's callers plug their own stuff in 2009
  • Caller: Bird man in Florida has a punk band
  • Caller plugs his own radio show
  • 2009 Alex does not like Blackwater and Erik Prince
  • Weird Commercia: find wild edible plants
  • Alex compares killing an abortion doctor to John Brown
  • Caller criticizes Alex, Alex listens
  • Guest: Jesse Ventura
  • Alex loves the beach
  • Alex wants to call Mancow Sally
  • Guest: Mike Rivero
  • Mike left GCN over views on Isreal
  • Mike: Our soldiers know they're the bad guys
  • Alex is cool with killing cops
  • Cops are killing black people
  • Global eugenics are in play
  • Sponsor: 5 Star Soap and Marty Schachter
  • Marty tells limericks
  • Alex is shook by criticism that he is Bill Hicks
  • List of known globalists does not include Soros
  • Bill Joy bullshit and Ted Kaczynski quote
  • Wal-mart is poaching kids
  • Guest
  • Kinky Friedman, introduced Alex to Jesse
  • Kinky background
  • Kinky sells cigars
  • Kinky wants Racehorse Haynes to investigate police corruption
  • Guest: Steve Vaus, guy who wrote Thank God For The Renegades
  • Big Country Radio killed Steve's career

Detailed Show Notes

This portion was reproduced from the official Knowledge Fight website.[1]


  • Jesse Ventura: Jesse is a former professional wrestler, TV host, and Governor of Minnesota. All in all, Jesse seems like a pretty cool guy (outside of the weirdness surrounding his lawsuit with Chris Kyle; it's hard to tell what was going on with that). Whenever he's on Alex's show, he pushes back against Alex's rhetoric and tries to bring a touch of reason to the proceedings. It never really gets through to Alex, but we appreciate the effort nonetheless.


Most of the show is taken up with Alex ranting about how General Motors had just declared bankruptcy, and how he had predicted that this would happen two years prior. His contention seems to be that this is the key, and that a dead giveaway that the Globalists are shutting down shop and destroying America.

It's worth noting that in 2007, when Alex would have been making these predictions, GM was in the middle of one of the largest labor strikes the company has ever experienced, as plants were shut down for over 20 days while the two sides tried to find an agreement. Given Alex's aversion to unions and collective bargaining, it can probably be assumed that this event is what led him to predict their eventual downfall.

Beyond that detail, it was not hard to predict that GM was going to collapse. They had been posting losses in the billions of dollars for years before their bankruptcy in 2009, and they had sought government assistance, and both the Bush and Obama administrations did not agree to give them loans from the government.

GM is not a tale of Globalist meddling, as much as it is the unfortunate story of a business that was overextended and losing money who got hit super hard by the financial crisis in 2008-09. They were already in bad shape, and when that blow came, they had to liquidate and sell off assets. They did so, and now GM exists as a smaller, restructured business that retained as much as it could from its past incarnation.

Alex's callers are really interesting on this show. Most of them seem to want to plug something. One caller wants to plug a radio show he's starting. Another one, who goes by "Bird Man" wants to plug his punk band, as they do songs where they yell about the New World Order and would like to use some of Alex's rants in their music. Overall, you get a sense that Alex is not charmed by his audience at this point in 2009, he's more exasperated than anything.

Looking back at this episode, there is one thread that seems to definitely run through all of Alex's career we can pinpoint, and that is a bizarre anti-abortion stance:

I say that the stance is bizarre because in that clip, Alex is discussing a story of a guy who shot and killed a doctor who performs abortions, and he compares this guy to John Brown.

Abortions are a medical procedure that are often needed to protect the health of a woman, and in the real world, if you do not allow women to have safe access to abortions, that will not stop abortions, it will only force them to have unsafe ones. The act of killing a doctor who performs abortions is not an act that will "protect the unborn," it is an act of terrorism meant to restrict women's access to healthcare.

In the proper version of the metaphor Alex is trying to make, the man who killed the doctor is the historical equivalent of a white slaveowner in John Brown's time. They were people who benefited from an unequal social hierarchy and were willing to act abhorrently in order to try to maintain that status quo.

One thing that sticks out about this episode is Alex's ability to take criticism without getting mad. In this clip, he has a caller tell him that he is lying about being non-partisan and should just admit he's a right winger. While Alex doesn't actually address the caller's complaints, he also doesn't scream at him, which is absolutely what he would do now:

For a good 20 minutes of the show, Alex expounds on H.G. Wells and how his books are Globalist manifestos. In particular, he brings up one of his favorite Wells talking points:

If you have ever seen Alex's documentary Endgame, you will remember that the movie opens with the quote from Wells' 1936 book The New World Order:

"Countless people will hate the new world order and will die protesting against it. "

The problem is that Alex is omitting a lot from that quote. If you go read the actual book, you will see that the quote is actually:

"Countless people, from maharajas to millionaires and from pukkha sahibs to pretty ladies, will hate the new world order, be rendered unhappy by frustration of their passions and ambitions through its advent and will die protesting against it. "

-- Wells, p. 111

What H.G. Wells is saying here, and what Alex has strategically cut out of the quote, is that when a more equitable system is created that serves humanity instead of business, that there will be kings and millionaires, rich men and high class ladies, who will not resist their unearned privilege being taken away from them, and they will fight against equality.

This is not a controversial statement; it's what we've seen time and time again. How many soldiers of the Confederate south died solely because the rich elites didn't want to give up slavery? This is a terrible song that humanity keeps on playing, and in fact, H.G. Wells' book was offering up a different path humanity could go down, a "new way of ordering the world," if you will, and it's abundantly clear that no one listened to his words. The only person who knows about this book is Alex Jones, and he only knows one line of it, which he lies about.

One thing that's interesting to note is that, in 2009, Alex Jones thinks that Blackwater are a bunch of "murdering thugs:"

This is interesting, seeing how in 2018, Alex is very pro-Erik Prince, going so far as to say that he is a super-patriot. Goes to show just how far he's gone down the road of hypocrisy; even people he called a war criminal yesterday are super patriots today, just because they are involved with Donald Trump.

The last thing that is of note, perhaps, is that Alex lists the Rockefellers and the Hearsts as people he names as Globalists, but at this point, there is no mention of George Soros at all.

Probably not too surprisingly, Alex ends the show by having a representative from Midas Resources come on air to list their current coin prices:

This is probably unethical, considering how he's doing a show built around convincing his audience that the GM bankruptcy is going to soon spread to all companies and paper money will be eliminated. But, we're not experts in business ethics.