149: The Press Conference
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the press conference that Alex Jones held in Washington DC on April 10, 2018. Actually, that's not true, they talk about that a little bit, but mostly talk about how stupid the Q and A session that Alex held after the conference was.
- Alex's DC press conference
- Lee Ann McAdoo is scared of public speaking
- Alex tries to bait a Soros lawsuit
- Roger Stone tells dick jokes
- Audience question about Ole Dammegård, Project Camelot guest
- Alex did a redo on the press conference at the hotel, turns into a nazi rally
- Alex drunkenly argues with someone who may be Jordan Klepper
- Comedy Central looks like globalist rats
- Alex is ok with Cambridge Analytica
- Alex is afraid Trump will go too far with nationalism
- Soros operatives won't argue
- Georgetown lawsuit bullshit
- Alex wants to talk John Hancock
- Jordan confuses Nathan Hale and Francis "Swamp Fox" Marion
- Lawsuits have secret messages to Alex
- Alex Jones Karaoke: Move, Bitch
- Millie talks Soros contracts and Charlottesville
- Alex explains the joke
- Lee Stranahan: Alex reminds me of Andrew Breitbart and Dog the Bounty Hunter
- Lee: I'm gonna talk about Soros and the ACLU
- Jerome Corsi's bloated corpse takes the stage
- Corsi talks Qanon
- Jack Posobiec can't start a chant
- Hey Jack, you're a white nationalist
- Alex is too drunk for Q&A, punts to Millie
- Q: What's the long game?
- Millie talks vaccines and the Amish
- Millie, ya busted!
- Rob Dew: Bar is free, mic is open
- True Dave does an ad plug
- Dave: We're in the end-times
- Dave: Sun Myung Moon is Christ reborn
Notable Bits
- Alex Jones Karaoke
- Ya Busted!
Detailed Show Notes
Tuesday was a big day for Alex. In the morning, he did a "press conference" from the Washington DC Press Club (which you can just rent out, anyone can speak there). It was a vanity laced affair, and really nothing happened that is worth mentioning.[1]
Alex was just desperately trying to get more attention on himself, as he announced that he was going to countersue people who are suing him. It was a big yawn, and it was not made better by its swollen length and completely uncharismatic roster of speakers (Jerome Corsi, Millie Weaver, Jack Posobiec, etc.)
Alex's actual show on April 10th is similarly unimportant to mention, but what people should have taken notice of was the post-show "Q&A Session" that Alex put on. It was less of a Q&A session, and more of an "Alex and his friends get drunk and ramble in front of a disinterested crowd session." Things veer deeply into white nationalism, and no one looks good.
We did an episode covering the Q&A session, which you can hear below: