258: April 12-13, 2009
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Today, Dan and Jordan discuss a little bit of Alex Jones content from the past. In this installment, Alex introduces at least two completely misrepresented documents into his narratives, and Dan expresses that he thinks the mystery of Alex Jones And The Case Of The Tea Party is pretty much solved.
- Every day is random
- Weaponized bird flu
- Someone is too crazy for Alex
- Alex reveals why he's successful
- Alex gets bullied into covering stories
- Alex takes the report way too seriously
- Globalists want gated communities
- Alex saw a documentary on Sum Yung Moon
- Alex claims Tea Party ownership
- Glenn Beck is gay
- Supporting Glenn Beck gets you castrated
- Guest: Naomi Wolf
- Alex can't read documents
- It doesn't matter what the report says
- Here's the mass graves article, dummy
- I wish this wasn't real
- This is probably the end of the Tea Party investigation