28: How Not To Cover Alex Jones

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Today, Dan tells Jordan a bit more about why he believes that taking Alex Jones out of context, or using him in funny clip montages is a dangerous game that you really can't win. To illustrate his point, the two discuss a video that Alex released recently in response to Media Matters posting a clip of his. It's a cycle with no winners, and truly the only way out is to utilize a different approach, namely the Knowledge Fight Approach.


  • This is why you don't take Alex out of context
  • Media Matters went after Alex's Schiff rant
  • Fill your hand
  • Media Matters mischaracterizes the clip
  • Alex Jones 10 minute Media Matters response video
  • PJW off the Trump Train
  • People want to kill Trump!
  • Alex Jones: nonviolent, just like Ghandi
  • Source of fill your hand: John Wayne in True Grit
  • Alex is doing an art performance
  • Susan Rice controversy
  • Google wants to go full Chicomm and kick Alex off YouTube
  • Knowledge Fight is impartial
  • Quantcast update
  • Reading comprehension discussion
  • Alex never learned abstract thought (hypothesis)
  • Alex fights with information
  • Sandra Bullock is a nazi
  • Snoop and Bow Wow want to kill Trump
  • Mickey Roarke and Madonna want to kill Trump
  • I don't advocate violence against Schiff
  • Ends on a commercial

Notable Bits

  • Fill Your Hand
  • Sandra Bullock is a Nazi