138: March 13-15, 2018
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Today, Dan and Jordan get into the Week That Was on the Alex Jones Show. Most of it is terrible (code for Gavin McGinness), a little bit of it is hilarious (code for Alex's persecution complex). It's too much to listen to, but enjoy.
- Alex has a new lawsuit from Brennan Gilmore
- Suing is the new Declaration of Independence
- Alex Jones Karaoke: American Band by Rob Zombie
- Alex is being sued by CIA Jesuits
- The pope is suing Alex
- Alex hates Georgetown University
- Alex Jones Karaoke: I can't drive 55
- Alex has 12 lawsuits going
- Sick worm beings have patriots locked in the basement
- Throw the case out for 1 word
- Alex talks dirty about his wife... here's a Ted Nugent song
- Alex's kids may be part Jewish
- Cops are letting Alex break the news on the Austin Commie Bombing
- Seth Rich update
- Alex's lawsuits match his budget
- Guest: Scott Adams
- Scott and Alex talk PA special election
- Dead people are voting
- Neighbors
- Guest: Gavin McInnes
- Gavin, restart your rant
- Gavin: Jews are the real nazis
- Alex slanders George Soros
- Liberals have daddy issues
- Gavin talks demographic shift
- Gavin: Feminist lesbians will die out
- Lesbians get cured by good dick
- Alex's lawsuit would reverse the first amendment
- Guest: Steve Pieczenik
- Steve: Soros is a jew rat
- Alex gives himself a pep talk
- Britain first kicked off Facebook
- Niall Ferguson social media article
- Kissinger biography
- How to freeze neurons
- 6th dimensional psychic jump gates
- Bomb update
- Alex turns bridge collapse into anti-gun regulation rant
Notable Bits
- Alex Jones Karaoke
- Neighbors
Detailed Show Notes
This portion was reproduced from the official Knowledge Fight website.[1]
- Brittany Pettibone: Brittany appears to be a guest on the show because Tommy Robinson was on yesterday and mentioned her. A lot of her interview is taken up by Alex complaining about how he's getting sued, and trying to loosely connect his perceived plight to Brittany's perceived plight. It's a largely uninspired showing, and full of weak strawman arguments about their oppression.
- Lee Stranahan: Lee is a journalist who is being sued along with Alex Jones. Lee Stranahan used to write for Brietbart, but quit in protest, and began working for Sputnik, which is a state-owned Russian media outlet. When asked about the situation, he said: "I'm on the Russian payroll now. When you work at Sputnik you're being paid by the Russians." After the Nazi rally in Charlottesville, VA, Lee Stranahan went on InfoWars and other outlets to claim a connection between the rally and George Soros, arguing that this was a repeat of what "the Globalists" did in Ukraine (mirroring the Russian government's position that they were the "good guys" in Ukraine). The interview on today's show is pretty boring, and mostly just serves to further Alex's dishonest take on the new lawsuit filed against him (more on that below).
- Paul Joseph Watson hosted the 4th Hour, so I turned it off. I assume he continued the broadcast complaining about being persecuted.
The first hour of the show today was dedicated almost entirely to Alex going through his slow transformation into "Late Lenny Bruce Mode," where his show is now becoming more and more Alex complaining about his perceived victimhood. The difference is that Lenny Bruce was standing up for free speech, whereas Alex is just witnessing the inevitable end result of his years of terrible behavior and spreading propaganda.
Alex is claiming that six of the eleven lawsuits that have been filed against him have been dismissed "with prejudice." There is no way to confirm any of this, and there is a decent chance that Alex is just making up additional imaginary lawsuits to claim were dismissed to strengthen the perception of his position.
The new lawsuit that he is discussing today is being brought against him by Brennan Gilmore, the person who recorded the video of Heather Heyer being murdered by a Nazi at the Charlottesville rally. Gilmore alleges that incendiary "reporting" carried out by Alex Jones (among others, also listed in the lawsuit) led to him being the target of harrassment and violent threats.
Alex's spin on this is to say that he is being sued by "the Jesuits," Pope Francis, and the "deepest part of the deep state," because the lawsuit was filed by the Georgetown Law School's Civil Rights Clinic. Alex thinks, or is at least pretending that he thinks, that this means that Georgetown itself is suing him.
This could not be further from the truth. If you look into the Civil Rights Clinic, you will find out what this organization actually is:
"The Civil Rights Clinic operates as a public interest law firm, representing individual clients and other public interest organizations, primarily in the areas of discrimination and constitutional rights, workplace fairness, and open government... Students interview clients, develop case theories, draft and file complaints in state and federal courts, conduct discovery, engage in motions practice, and prepare appeals. "
The Civil Rights Clinic is basically the equivalent of psychology students that take on clients to earn course credit and gain experience, while simultaneously allowing patients with less resources access to mental health care. The Civil Rights Clinic just does that same kind of thing, but with law students.
So why Georgetown? Probably because it's one of the largest colleges with a very good legal department, that is a two-hour drive from Charlottesville, Virginia. It's not really not that suspicious at all, and is just another case of Alex trying to create a fake version of reality to attack as opposed to dealing with what is actually going on.
The twisting of this narrative takes up pretty much the entire program, with Alex weaving in constant reminders that the only way he's going to survive this "Globalist attack" is if everyone out there sends him money. Pretty par for the InfoWars course.
Alex briefly touches on today's firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and plays a little bit of Tillerson's press conference. Alex says that everything Tillerson is saying is "code" and that it is probably a "message to the Globalist stay-behind networks." He does not elaborate on this absurd theory any further.
This portion was reproduced from the official Knowledge Fight website.[2]
- Scott Adams: Creator of Dilbert. Alex keeps accidentally calling Scott "Dilbert," then immediately correcting himself. Scott Adams comments a bit on last night's PA special election, suggesting that Lamb will likely win because "he is the candidate that reminds people most of Trump." He also explains that people shouldn't care about students walking out of schools to protest our lack of gun laws because young people are the "dumbest people in society." Strong showing from Dilbert.
- Roger Stone: Very boring appearance from Roger where he and Alex play the victim about lawsuits being filed against them. Alex tries to rally Roger to "get back on the offensive," but neither of them really has the energy to do so.
- Gavin McInness: Failed stand up and leader of a completely idiotic definitely not white nationalist (but kinda white nationalist) fraternity called The Proud Boys. Whenever Gavin is on the show, he wastes most of his time doing incredibly hacky stand up bits about feminism, gay people, or "the leftists" that would not pass muster at an open mic. His showing today is particularly pathetic, and he repeatedly says that George Soros "led Nazis to Jews," which is something he can in no way prove. Then, he gets mad that people think that "Globalist" is a dog-whistle for Jews, when it absolutely is. Then, he and Alex spout a bunch of dumb theories about lesbians and about how liberals just want to be mad at "daddy," who I guess is supposed to be represented by these two assholes.
- Steve Pieczenik: It appears that Steve is on the show today to make sure that Alex does not get suspicious about the CIA Director being made the new Secretary of State. Alex does constantly accuse the CIA of being part of the Deep State, so there would be cause for concern that he might look at this as a coup. Steve is a fan of Mike Pompeo (who is also a Koch favorite), and wants to make sure that Alex doesn't start pushing back against him. Also, he repeatedly calls George Soros a "Jew rat."
As has been the theme lately, most of this show is about how Alex is the victim of a coordinated attack, carried out by (if you believe Alex's version) the Pope, the Jesuits, Georgetown University, George Soros, the "Globalists," the Deep State, Hillary's former top lawyer, Michael Jackson's lawyer, and the entirety of the Democratic party. He spends almost the whole first hour complaining about fake versions of the lawsuits against him, and telling his audience that they need to give him money.
He takes the narrative up to a whole new level today, going so far as to say that if the people suing him are successful, it will be the end of the 1st amendment.
Ignore for a minute that the result of a civil trial can in no way set a precedent that would undo an amendment to the constitution. Ignore for a second that the only way to repeal an amendment to the constitution is to pass a new amendment to the constitution, which would require support of 2/3 of the members of Congress, and then need to be voted in by 3/4 of the states. Ignore for a moment that if this ruling of the judge in Alex's civil trial did conflict with the 1st amendment, all he would need to do would be to appeal the ruling and demonstrate that his rights were violated. Ignore for a little bit that the 1st amendment covers substantially more than "free speech," and in no way could this case do anything to any of that. Please keep ignoring these very basic truths, it's much more fun to just hear Alex yell.
In reality, he has been skating by narrowly avoiding libel and slander suits for his entire career, and this is the end result, the chickens coming home to roost. Ultimately, he's begging the audience for money because he knows he's going to settle all of these lawsuits out of court and take a big hit, rather than risk what could come out if he had to defend any of his positions under oath. It's a pathetic display, and we can expect a whole lot more of it in the days to come.
In another interesting development, Alex Jones is now seemingly trying to get himself involved in lawsuits that aren't being brought against him. Seth Rich's parents have filed a suit against Fox News, Malia Zimmerman, and Ed Butowsky for creating and pushing a false story about their son's death that has caused them considerable harm. Due to the contents of emails that have come out from Butowsky showing a clear conspiracy to push the story in an effort to clear the Russians of the accusation of hacking DNC servers, it will probably be a successful suit.
Alex is pretending that the Rich's lawsuit is just them suing Fox News for "investigating" their son's murder. He is trying to pitch the narrative that people like Sean Hannity care more about finding the truth about Seth's murder than his parents do, which is a line so disgusting it is hard to find a suitable thing to compare it to.
Alex spends a bit of the show talking about how Seth Rich was murdered, and was behind the DNC hacks, because he knows that the material claim of this lawsuit is not about people spreading lies about Seth Rich; it is about the very clear conspiracy behind the scenes at Fox News to use his tragic death as a prop to defend Trump and Russia.
Other than that, the only part of the show that merits further mention is how awful and not funny Gavin McInness is. He has about a half-hour segment, and he spends most of the beginning of it accusing George Soros of having led Nazis to Jews, leading to their "extermination."
I've already written about this lie in detail here, so I won't bore the reader again. In reality, Gavin isn't upset about Soros, he's only bringing this up because he is all triggered about a lot of people calling his Nazi friends Nazis, all the while, it seems like only his Nazi friends are the ones calling George Soros a Nazi. It just doesn't make sense!
Gavin goes on to explain a very interesting theory about lesbians:
He seems to be operating under a couple of really fucked up assumptions:
- Only gay people give birth to gay children
- This is the first generation where lesbians have existed, and since they are not reproducing, there will be none next generation
- A person's value to society is largely based on their reproductive ability
He believes the first two because he's a homophobic idiot and because he probably thinks he's being funny. He believes that third one because he is mad at white people who do not breed, as he thinks that other cultures are going to "breed white people out of existence." These are your standard white genocide narratives, and they're not made any more convincing when you just swap out the word "white" with "Western."
Alex and Gavin go on to do some hacky two-man stand up routine, tossing around stupid stereotypes about gay men and lesbians:
As fun as it would be to go through this point by point, it's clear that Gavin presents himself as both a comedian and as a political commentator because he is terrible at both things. However, by pretending to be both, when a joke doesn't land, he can claim he was making a serious point. Conversely, when someone calls him out for being a complete idiot and a bigot, he can go the Coward's Route and claim he was just joking, and that you're so triggered that you don't get his humor. It's a pathetic game his community plays to dodge any responsibility for the things they say, or how unfunny they are.
On this show, Alex also claims to have received inside information about the bombings in Austin. He claims it came directly from law enforcement that the bombs are amateur in nature, and may not look like a normal package. These are things that anyone could probably deduce. The part that is interesting about Alex's claim, however, is that he says that his source told him that the bombs are made on the doorstep where they are left, which seems like a completely inefficient plan for a bomber to utilize as it would leave them pretty exposed while they were assembling the bomb. Seems very dumb. When the facts of the case come out, we will see, but in the meantime, I will register that this does not sound real to me.
This portion was reproduced from the official Knowledge Fight website.[3]
- Bill Mitchell: Bill is a Trump supporter and guy with radio show on Periscope. Bill comes on the show today to spin some very far-out theories about what is really going on with Jeff Sessions, and that somehow Trump had flipped Mueller behind the scenes. As Bill and Alex were having this conversation, news broke that Mueller had subpoenaed records relating to Russia from Trump's businesses.
- Ted Malloch: Ted is Alex's go-to guy when he wants to give the air of authenticity to his narratives about the "Globalists," because as he claims, Ted is a "Globalist insider," having been involved with The Aspen Institute. Unfortunately, it turns out that Ted has a pretty troubling history of being a public liar. As is so often the case with Alex Jones guests, Ted Malloch is another con man who has run out of places to run the grift, and has ended up at the end of the line: InfoWars.
A lot of today's show is spent getting into some real weird Doomsday Preacher style antics, about how the end times are upon us. He is getting esoteric all over the place, rambling about how human brains somehow involve an interdimensional "jump gate" that allows people to see the future. From anyone else, this sort of language would be troubling and evidence of a brain tumor, but from Alex, it's very clear that what it means is that he has no take on the news and needs to fill time.
Alex cites a speech by Niall Ferguson to make an argument that the technological elite will end up deciding elections in the future. Alex never wrestles with the fact that Ferguson is a guy who wrote an authorized biography (which has been described as "fawning") about Alex's arch-rival, and guy Alex thinks want's to kill 80% of the population, Henry Kissinger. He also doesn't deal with Ferguson's history of support for the Iraq War, and his push for America to embrace its empire. Instead of dealing with Ferguson's comments within the Neocon context in which they were spoken, Alex just calls him a "leading historian" and moves on.
He moves on to lamenting that a "slightly right wing organization" was getting cracked down on in the UK. He doesn't spend much time talking about this organization, which is probably for the best, since it's Britain First, which is a fascist group that exists specifically to harass and threaten Muslims in England. Their history is a huge bigoted mess, so it makes good sense that Alex supports them and wants to present them as victims. Because they are white.
On that tip, he goes on to rant about how 90%+ of public racism (cross burnings, for example) are fake and just psyops to make minorities look like victims. He also says that "the Democrats" were the trouble-makers in Charlottesville, which is an interesting argument, considering that literal Nazis were also right there on the table as possible people to call "trouble makers."
By this point, Alex has heard about the start-up Nectome, who has come out and said that they can upload your brain but you have to euthanized first. Alex believes that this is proof of his arguments that transhumanism is just trying to kill you and that he's been right all along.
Leave aside the companies such as Alcor Life Extension Foundation, who currently hold over 150 heads and bodies in stasis in liquid nitrogen (including baseball great Ted Williams) with the idea of transferring them into new bodies or computers once the technology is developed. Alcor has been around since 1972. Tons of other life-extension companies along this line exist and have for decades.
Past that, the part about people being euthanized is specifically a reference to the California End of Life Option Act, wherein people who have been diagnosed with terminal conditions are able to choose a physician assisted suicide to spare them the dignity of dying on their own terms. The conversation that Nectome is having about their process is specifically being had in that context, which Alex does not address.
Alex's analysis of this is incredibly shallow and stupid, and in no way based in reality.
The only other really meaningful thing that happens on this episode is that Bill Mitchell convinces Alex that it is possible that Mueller has investigated Trump and decided that Trump didn't commit any crimes, so now the two have teamed up and were about to take down Hillary. Mitchell tells Alex (and Alex later repeats) the conjecture that Jeff Sessions is playing possum and laying low, waiting to spring these indictments against Hillary at the right time to swing the 2018 midterm elections.
Now, some would say that "manipulatively using the legal system to persecute your political rivals in order to boost your party's public support" seems the exact sort of thing a dictator who is afraid of the will of the people might do, but in this case, Bill and Alex think it's a brilliant strategy. What a couple of unprincipled cowards.