376: December 3-5, 2019
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Today, Dan and Jordan discuss a stretch from last week on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex talks to a trio of horrible guests, accuses Trump of treason, and struggles to remember what the collective noun for horses is.
- Guest: David Icke
- Tesla brand implants
- Congrats, you're a cyborg now
- So many ads, and 15 new stickers
- David Icke is Saul on the road to Damascus
- Before Alex Jones, there was David Icke
- 2016: David Icke/ We Are Change interview
- Icke is no fan of Trump
- 12/4: It's time to debate Trump
- We weren't wrong, but Trump is doing a bad job
- Fuck you, Qanon
- List of Trump's accomplishments/failures
- Trump is guilty of treason
- AI simulation space race
- Aliens want your soul
- Musk and Pence are building a moon base
- Satan is a rebel AI
- There are no men left
- Guest: Gavin McInnes
- No one wants to engage with Gavin
- Dick's sporting goods: Anti-gun transgenderism
- Globalists created pre-trib rapture
- Alex riffs on Google execs
- Alex is going to host 3 shows a day
- Alex needs a second job
- Time to get to the shaft of the spear
- They'll put out negative stories about me
- Impeachment is a war on Christmas
- Federal reserve was pushed through on Christmas Eve
- Trump is the only pro-life president
- Alex responds to NYT article
- iPhone alerts will steal the election
- China is killing millions w/ fentanyl
- Guest: Ezra Levant, Rebel Media
- Alex may get a show on Rebel
- Sun Media to Rebel Media
- Alex gets distracted from the truth
- Alex talks to pregnant women about vaccines
- Patriots have kill lists