377: December 6-10, 2019
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Today, Dan and Jordan look at a confusing stretch in the present day of the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex repeatedly refuses to dignify the story about him in the New York Times, comes out as at least semi pro-orgy, and announces a very bizarre plan for a publicity stunt.
- Alex will at least mention the news
- Put in is concerned about the world mother
- Alex makes a strawman about NYT article
- Big Story: White vans and black SUVs
- Finger guns are deadly
- Trump: A+ job
- I'll put that fingergun up your damn asshole
- There are too many homeless in Austin
- FEMA camps are back!
- On the list: Republican donors, NRA members, car dealers
- Gays are bussing immigrants and homeless everywhere
- Ad pivot on a dime
- Big news coming Tuesday
- Let's talk Vegas Shooting
- Vegas shooting to homeless hotels to COG to martial law!
- Trump invaded Saudi Arabia
- NYT writer is afraid of trees
- Gardening makes women horny
- I kick my own ass!
- Alex probably, technically, killed a fish
- Wife swapping is manly, polyamory isn't
- Alex wants to cut a chip out live on air
- fake PT Barnum quote
- Florida woman freaks Alex out
- Alex has reverse engineered the entire globalist plan
- Guest: Larry Nichols!
- Larry is a voice of reason, somehow
- If you don't support Trump, your family should be destroyed
- Larry: 250K UN troops are waiting in Cuba
- Alex does not cut out a chip
- Discussion: Alex looks rough
Notable Bits
- I kick my own ass!