627: Reset Wars: Episode 2
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in on the recent goings-on in the world of "the most important work" Alex Jones has ever done in his career, Reset Wars. These are disappointing goings-on.
- Reset Wars has been released
- Videos leading up to Reset Wars
- Video: Transcend the 3rd Dimension with Alex Jones and Reset Wars
- Tunnels are powerful images, like vaginas
- Alex is back at the meme tunnel
- Many people have used the secret for evil
- Alex in a tunnel: Come with us
- Video: Tune into god, the earth, and ResetWars.com
- Ley lines are in play: bird migration
- Quantum mechanical woo bullshit
- Stop taking meds, walk in the forest
- You're consciousness is god experiencing the world
- Cities are bad, go to nature
- Times Square sucks
- Globalists are making VR to make us less warlike
- Alex advocates overthrowing the old world order
- Call to action: ResetWars.com
- Video: How Joe Rogan's awakening affects the great reset
- Alex contemplates a flower
- What is evil? What is innocence?
- People are born innocent
- Joe Rogan is so cool and a great dad
- Flashback: Alex goes to war with Rogan
- Kids are being forced into VR goggles, just like Gandhi said
- 3 people invented the radio at the same time independent of each other
- Reset Wars drops
- Reset Wars review: Alex reads a script someone else wrote
- Globalists want to install emotional viruses in you
- Babies are blank slates with a 1000 yard stare
- Reset Wars is manipulative bullshit
- Get Reset Wars on sale now!
- Reset Wars disclaimer
- Dilemma: Reset Wars is behind a paywall