640: January 22, 2022

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Today, Dan and Jordan check out an "Emergency Saturday Broadcast" Alex put out this weekend. In this installment, Alex appears to be trying to declare victory over Covid restrictions, while also lying about storms, and once again taking Bill Maher's show too seriously.


  • Emergency Saturday broadcast
  • Big news: it's official: end to masks and vaccine passports and mandatory vaccinations all over the world
  • Patriots are winning, so globalists are folding
  • Alex just wants a win
  • The public has woken up to the truth of the vaccines
  • Alex makes a prediction: the restrictions will come back once you go back to sleep
  • They'll blame the next virus they make on climate change
  • William Shatner and Leonardo DiCaprio are saying you're going to die
  • We've beaten Operation Lockstep
  • People who lie about statistics are going to jail
  • Cyber false flag is coming
  • Bari Weiss on Bill Maher is proof the left is waking up
  • InfoWars: shocktroops of truth
  • Alex held the line until Rogan and Tucker could wake up
  • Lockstep lies: patriots are starting to win
  • Carbon lockdown is coming, buy food
  • Replacing politicians won't change anything, so take back the cities peacefully
  • Alex on Russia and Ukraine: Russia is the good guys
  • Russia doesn't have a history of invading countries
  • Globalists will false flag Russian troops
  • Texas winter power outage bullshit
  • DOE wouldn't let ERCOT produce enough power
  • Carbon is evil, just like you because you're made of carbon

Detailed Show Notes

Topics covered[1]: