621: Reset Wars: Episode 1
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Today, Dan and Jordan examine a bit of a preview interview about the big new project, Reset Wars. In this installment, the gents meet a promotion-obsessed hypnotist who thinks it's impossible to die and who helped Alex create Reset Wars.
- Jake Ducey, talking about Reset Wars, hypnotist
- Alex isn't interested in enslaving you
- Let's talk about the bad things
- Jake from Reset Wars has watched the course 6 times
- Jake has calls to action
- Jake talks about everyday mind control weapons
- This sounds culty as hell
- You're not your real self
- Jake: we live in a simulation, so reprogram your mind
- Born again means discovering your real self
- Bible quote: do not conform to the pattern of the world
- Jake tries to tie the bible to MK Ultra
- Sorry leftists, Alex is real and talks to god
- Jake: What's in the secret Vatican library?
- Jake: you are not your body
- David Icke is the only other person who has been talking about this
- MK Ultra was right!
- Jake: we're under MKU control
- Jake: brainwash yourself before they do
- Ewan Cameron document
- Jake's source: CBC article on MKU podcast
- Ewan Cameron kidnapped tens of thousands of children
- MKU was a coverup... imagine what they're up to now
- MKU separates you from god
- 5G can control your emotions
- Reset Wars is undoing what Satan did in the garden of Eden
- Ignore racism and sexism and reach out to god
- Jake reads a totally real YouTube comment
- The mind is susceptible to electromagnetic weapons and we are energy
- Our energy fields overlap
- Fake Max Planck quote
- We need a firewall in our mind, like China's great firewall
- Jake: DARPA has energy weapons
- Get in the spirit and take over the world
- Don't get mental help... Fauci flip-flops on masks
- Alex gets into MKU docs
- Asbury Park Press article on Richard Cessaro quote
- Jake: you can't die, you're energy
- Background: Activist Post blog on Arizona State University magnetic mind control study
- Reset Wars makes your dreams come true
- Reset Wars is the counter to Mark Zuckerberg and metaverse
- Jake's friend listened to Reset Wars and stopped drinking
- Reset Wars: Tomorrow's wisdom today
- Jake: you've been conditioned to think you're depressed
- Alex doesn't like to promote himself
- Your bank account is an observer effect
- Jake throws to break
- Jake: energy weapons heat your brain
- Open up your browser to god
- Alex hasn't gotten to all these great documents
- Jake: if you're missing something, give me money
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- Alex is apparently working with a hypnotist on his new project, Reset Wars
- Jake has a podcast and YouTube channel that are mostly about how you can make tons of money easily. He also sells a program that claims to be able to "rewire your brain"
- Jake's use of a newer translation of Romans, one of very few that includes the word "pattern." It doesn't appear in the Greek, and it's in no translations published before 1976
- Jake is very big on encouraging people to believe that their physical bodies are just "rental cars," and that you can't actually die
- The MK Ultra experiments were done because of fear that the Soviet Union had already mastered mind control techniques. This is reflected in Congressional hearings about the program, and even some of the earliest documents from the program
- All of Jake's information about Dr. Ewen Cameron comes from a CBC article about a podcast about MK Ultra
- Jolyon West killed an elephant with LSD
- Ewen Cameron didn't run MK Ultra, that was Sidney Gottlieb
- The Mind Has No Firewall article from the US Army War College Quarterly issue from 1998
- Robert Spalding left the National Security Council because he wrote a memo about wanting to nationalize 5G networks
- 1997 article from US News and World Report titled Wonder Weapons
- Alex doesn't seem to realize that more documents had been declassified since 1977
- 1988 Asbury Park Press article that quotes Richard Cesaro, though the original interview was from two years prior
- Activist Post reading list
- Documents describing the narrative study from Arizona State University
- Project lead Steven Corman's resume
- FOIA requests only reflect progress reports for phase 1 of this study. There does not appear to be evidence that the later phase involving Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation was ever even done
- The GI Joe PSAs were pretty fun
- Infowars, Banned Dot Video, and News Wars all are hosted by Epik. Strangely, this new website Reset Wars is hosted by GoDaddy, which is far less secure and more susceptible to being taken offline
- Documents Alex and Jake didn't talk about at all that covered CIA experiments to remote control a dog
- 1982 Air Force study that Jake is misrepresenting
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has an awesome archive of tables of contents
- The quote that is claimed to be from Dr. Barbara Hatch Rosenburg's 1994 article %20weapons%20may%20violate%20treaties&f=false does not appear in the text of her article