169: November 30, 2014
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about an episode of The Alex Jones Show from a very important date in Austin history. Why? Because the gents are going to be in Austin on Friday for a live show, and they're trying to force attention toward it. Tune in to learn of Mexican consulate arsons, the perils of Black Friday, and Alex's illiteracy.
- Present day clip: Russia is awesome!
- Larry McWilliams shooting in Austin
- McWilliams is mentally ill
- Alex compares McWilliams to Ferguson protest
- Same article, different site
- Alex works up sympathy for Oathkeepers
- Alex wants to talk about Black Friday... ad pivot
- Alex can't not be racist
- Alex is always right because he studied history
- Globalists need taxes
- Legitimate reason for rebellion
- Someone is stealing Alex's bit
- Alex rips off Rush
- In defense of violent protest
- Very specific times when violence is justified
- Alex hides truth behind a stupid impression
- Globalists want to false flag themelves
- Police are super awake
- Patriots don't kill cops
- Shooting was a false flag to push open borders
- Multiculturalism is the enemy... ad pivot
- Fortified supply is gone