77: August 23, 2017
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on the August 23rd episode of The Alex Jones Show, where a visit from horrible monster Joe Arpaio is the least important development. Topics covered include:
- Has Alex seen "literal goblins?"
- Why did Roger Stone get banned from most TV networks?
- What cartoon character is totally not based on Alex Jones?
- Do those goblins have any superpowers?
- Trump is the ultimate reality show
- Alex might be drunk
- Globalists are like spiders
- $10 million contract to discredit Alex
- Alex is glad to be relevant
- InfoWars helped Joe Arpaio get pardoned
- Fuck Joe Arpaio
- Federal Obama Judges
- Have more kids to save the white race
- Glitterbug preachers
- Roger Stone: Trump should legalize weed
- Alex Jones brings views
- Reminder of why Roger Stone was kicked off TV
- Ad pivot head fake
- Globalists are going to get cooked in ovens
- They're trying to isolate Trump
- Soulless babies and Satanbots
- Innocence is the window to infinity
- People who disagree with Alex are clones
- Don't brag about violence
- Guest: Steve Pieczenik
- Karl Rove has idiot strength
- Steve: You're so brilliant
- Mike Judge based Hank Hill and Dale Gribble on Alex
- Caller: ZOG time
- Guest: Joe Arpaio
- Joe: If they can do this to me, they can do it to anyone
- Trump and Joe are racism allies over Obama's birth certificate
- They love Trump overseas
- Trump is bigger than George Washington
- Psychic goblins
- Alex was almost a globalist
- Everyone is manchurian candidates
- Sad sales pitch
- Owen, don't be like me