78: October 12-15, 2015
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the groundbreaking (?) 16th installment in his investigation into what happened in 2015 to get Alex Jones to join up with Team Trump. Topics covered include:
- What HBO cast did Alex convert to loving guns?
- Did Alex enjoy The Martian?
- How much does Alex love Russia? (quite a bit)
- Does Alex finally support Trump?
- You can't reason with globalists
- Cocks for Glocks protest is CIA warfare
- The Martian was a globalist movie
- We need more gun TV shows
- Alex hosts 2 shows on Discovery/History
- Alex turned the cast of Silicon Valley pro-gun
- Feminists don't want you to be armed
- Schools are teaching kids to give blowjobs
- Alex's True Story: Pool hall lesbians
- Reminder: Alex got hit in the head with a piece of cinder block while shooting guns
- David Clarke clip: Obama, give up your guns
- Clarke goes to Russia, meets Dmitry Rogozin
- Caller: I'm a person of color because beige is a color
- Alex really loves Putin
- Alex lies about Paul Joseph Watson
- Michael Savage got banned from the UK for criticizing Islam
- Georgia citizens arrested for flying Confederate flag
- Civil War revisionism
- White genocide updated to maybe
- Steve Pieczenik is about to show up in 2015 investigation
- Russia is a great ally in Afghanistan
- Michelle Malkin ran a psy-op on Alex
- Howard Dean was going to beat Obama and Clinton
- Guest: "Dr" Group talks about Super Male Vitality and global politics
- Alex is mad with no explanation
- Alex is upset because Ron Paul's staffers have been indicted
- Texas state attorney indicted
- Russia is the last line of defense against Islam
- Joe Biggs trolls Hillary rally
- Guest: Paul Craig Roberts, Doomsday prepper
- Paul: Putin is a better statesman than Obama
- Hillary pandering is CIA psychological warfare
- Offensive impressions
- No change in Alex's views on Trump
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story