79: Meet Captain Mark Richards
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Today, Dan needs to take a break from explaining Alex Jones to Jordan, so instead he tells Jordan all about a story from the annals of Project Camelot.
In this installment, the gents explore JoAnne and Mark Richards, a married couple who claim to be deeply involved in the Secret Space Program. Are they really space travelers, or is Mark a very serious con-man who has a lot of fanciful stories about Space Raptors? Most likely that second option.
- Brief Stefan Molyneux discussion
- Kerry interviews JoAnne Richards about space command
- Jo Ann publishes Mark Richards' info on website, Earth Defense Headquarters
- Captain Mark Richards, alien fighter
- Reptoids are stirring up trouble with this North Korea guy
- Raptors (good) vs reptoids (bad)
- Raptors are acting in Jurassic World
- Have you ever seen a raptor?
- Raptors hang out in museum displays
- Raptors love cosplay
- Mark married a Pleiadean/ Nordic Princess
- Greys are evil
- Mark's lineage is spectacular
- Mark's dad is The Dutchman
- Raptor military training in England with Dean Martin's son
- The proof is in the Vatican archives
- Mark is in prison for murder, even though he was on a mission at the time
- Mark Richards intro
- Pendragon murder plot in Marin County
- Victim: Richard Baldwin
- Check out The Dollop Episode
- Kerry interviews Mark in prison
- No recording interviews
- Pencil, not a pen
- Mark has a sentient AI spaceship called Minerva
- Falklands war and AI black goo
- Raptor facts
- Mark may be PEZ
- Raptors rent castles and have sorcery
- Raptors moved to Dragon World from earth 65 million years ago
- Ebola is a reptoid specific bioweapon
- Raptor Princess is a precog
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki were reptoid bases
- TSA scanners determine you're human
- Androids want to replace leaders
- Aliens control Israel and Vatican
- Truth about Malaysian plane
- Mark can astrally project and travel through time.