80: October 16-26, 2015
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the 17th installment of his investigation into why Alex Jones signed up with Donald Trump back in 2015. The mystery is unraveling a lot differently than expected, and that trend does not stop here. Topics covered today include:
- What happened to the "real life Crocodile Dundee?"
- Has Alex ever been in a comic book?
- Is tap water a "gay bomb?"
- New Captain America is black
- Alex works for Red Skull
- Russia is great
- Soros opposes Alex, Drudge, and Russia
- Soros invaded Russia with nazis
- We're bringing down McDonalds and Disney
- Im a migrant, let me in
- Pentagon tested a gay bomb on Iraq
- Gay frogs rant
- What does Steven Seagal say about OKC false flag?
- OKC was a flase flag to keep us in UN
- Alex takes Super Male Vitality on air
- Alex's blow ups are fake
- Brainstorming stunts
- Theory: Alex is a sovereing citizen
- Profiles of Globalists
- Peter Sutherland is ugly
- Government murdered Crocodile Dundee, Rodney Ansel
- Alex yells at caller for no reason
- Caller prays to expose 9/11
- Guest: Martin Armstrong, economic prophet
- Trump blames bush for 9/11
- Rudolph Hess parachuted into England with a secret treaty
- Guest: Joel Skousen
- Joel: The devil guides the globalists
- Muslims are arrogant
- Was oregon a false flag, like Newtown?
- Guest: Steve Pieczenik
- Steve is running psyops on Alex
- Steve claims responsibility for Trump
- Steve is very pro-Putin
- Steve may be source of pro-Assad narratives
- Obama is a CIA and mafia creation
- Steve: Russia has always been our ally
- Alex defends Marine Le Pen
- If the race of a criminal isn't listed, it's a minority
- A muslim convinced Hitler to kill Jews
- Ken Lay lives on a compound in Paraguay owned by the Bushes
- Guest: Ron Paul
- Ron Paul: not a Trump fan
- I need a pregnant woman as a prop
- Alex almost figures Steve out