653: February 25, 2022

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Today, Dan and Jordan continue to track Alex's shameful coverage of the invasion of Ukraine. Also, the gents deconstruct how Alex's video about predicting the invasion last year is a manipulative lie.


  • Alex explains how he predicted the invasion of Ukraine
  • Did Alex actually predict war in Ukraine by February?
  • Clip #1: US War with China
  • Clip #2: Leo Zagami says nukes from China to Japan
  • Clip #3: Winter Storm in Texas is prelude to Chinese takeover and nuke
  • Clip #4: I've got butterflies
  • Clip #4 extended: Alex doesn't believe Russia will invade Ukraine
  • Clip #5: how will globalists take over?
  • Clip #6: IMF says war with Russia, nukes from China
  • Clip #7: US Senator says nuke Russia, Russia says stay out of Ukraine
  • Clip #8: Globalists want meltdown
  • It's not Russia's fault they invaded
  • NATO is going to blame Russia for a false flag cyber attack
  • Whoops, Russia did a false flag
  • Putin was justified in invading because NATO promised not to expand
  • It's proven: Moderna made covid-19
  • Invading was a bad strategy
  • Putin invaded because the Left feminized the West
  • It's impossible for covid to be naturally occurring
  • Alex replays his video
  • China is secretly ok with Russia's invasion
  • Caller: you were right, Putin walked through Ukraine with no resistance
  • Ukraine's military was bought off, but there's unofficial resistance
  • Volodymyr Zelenskyy is working for Putin
  • Klaus Schwab wants to kill you, but Alex will kill him first... Politically
  • Breaking news: Natural News article confirms omicron is lab-made to give you immunity
  • This will be over in 48 hours, also here comes nuclear war
  • Putin encourages Ukrainian soldiers to overthrow their government
  • Guest: Royce White, NBA player, running for Congress against Ilhan Omar, stands up for Uyghur people
  • It's a genetic fact that men should be in Congress
  • People who want women in Congress actually want to push them around
  • Caller: Mankind in Arizona

Detailed Show Notes

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