654: February 27, 2022

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Today, Dan and Jordan continue to be astounded by Alex Jones' terrible coverage of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. In this installment, Alex throws a tantrum, either because the pressure is getting to him, or because he just prepared too much for this episode.


  • Heads up: Dan and Jordan on Behind the Bastards
  • Russia is being very restrained in this invasion
  • Invasion death tolls are underreported on both sides
  • The West is putting out more propaganda than Russia
  • Alex tries to reframe his past coverage of Putin
  • War is coming because Soros overthrew Ukraine
  • Review: Alex never claimed Putin bit off more than he could chew
  • Putin warns world is on brink of nuclear war
  • Alex won't cover the cancelled CNN doc on him
  • Russia has been invaded a lot, so it's ok for Putin to invade
  • Putin is invading for the same reasons as Alex: globalists and trans people
  • Slavs have always killed each other, but htis is Soros's fault
  • Ukraine attacked Russia first
  • Biden doesn't know what's going on
  • Russia always gets doublecrossed, just like Hitler and Stalin
  • We're running out of freedom... Alex is going to go home early
  • The world deserves to die
  • Alex mopes, says he's taking time off
  • Alex apologizes, he's crazy like Gnarls Barkley
  • Ales is going to start over
  • Alex doesn't have the Stockholm gene, so news stacks make him mad
  • Covid is a bioweapon that killed Alex's friends and family
  • Covid rage feeds Russian defense rant
  • Russia is the new America
  • Rant takes the wind out of Alex
  • Alex prepared for 15 hours
  • Alex won't apologize, god wants him to get upset
  • Alex plays Putin's war declaration, paraphrases subtitles
  • Bigotry Rorchach test
  • The globalist plan is to get Alex to freak out
  • Alex relates to Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko
  • Guest: Leo Zagami, Russia-Ukraine expert
  • Leo knew Putin when he was mayor
  • Leo: Russian protestors are Soros backed
  • Leo explains Putin's plan: reform Soviet Union

Detailed Show Notes

Topics covered[1]:

  • Alex tries to one-up himself in terms of bad coverage of Putin's invasion of Ukraine
  • Alex claims that there are more studies coming out that show Covid was made in a lab, whereas the reality is that studies are coming out showing that it was almost certainly naturally occurring
  • Alex blows up, threatens to leave the show, and goes on to rant about how Russia is the new America
  • Alex decides that he also likes Belarussian dictator Alexander Lukashenko, who sucks