655: July 18, 2003
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a little breaky into the past to see what Alex was up to back in 2003. In this installment, Alex reveals that most gay people are cannibals, gets annoyed at some callers, and a couple real weird militia guys come up.
- Speaking of cannibals, gay people like giving each other AIDS
- New fetish: getting your legs cut off in Mexico to feed to cannibals
- German cannibal arrested... scientist want to clone a mammoth
- Caller: did you have a fallout with Brian in New York?
- Caller: False flag nukes?
- The draft is coming back
- Caller: My husband is a radio DJ in Rhode Island on Reality Radio
- Caller: I was put in jail for liking the Constitution
- Caller: Bush and Tony Blair are gay for each other
- David Kelly was killed for what he knew
- Caller: Do you know Rick Stanley and his militia?
- Caller: 16th amendment wasn't ratified, look up Gary Demott
- Caller: I have a plant to return the country to the law of the land
- Other patriot shows are for suckers
- They trick us into doing marches that backfire
- Alex isn't mad at the callers, he's mad at the New World Order
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- Alex thinks gay people are mostly cannibals who want to get AIDS
- Robin Page wasn't arrested for saying "homosexual"
- Alex is misreporting on a the story about Armin Meiwes, the German cannibal
- Rick Stanley got 111 votes in his 2002 Senate run
- Rick Stanley posted a racist poem in an online discussion about immigration
- Rick Stanley wasn't arrested for bringing a gun to a courthouse, it was for threatening a couple judges. He was found guilty and his appeal was rejected
- In 1996, Gary DeMott attempted to take over a county in Idaho