329: August 4-5, 2019

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Today, Dan and Jordan take a look at some present day episodes of The Alex Jones Show to check in and see how Alex has responded to the recent shootings. A lot of it is very predictable, but some of it reaches impressive levels of weird and dumb. Plus, it turns out Alex has a new catchphrase which is also weird and dumb.


  • Alex has a new catch phrase: See how that works?
  • Alex insinuates El Paso Shooter is a leftist
  • Alex uses Madeleine Albright as proof leftists do false flags
  • Alex doesn't know whats going on, but the media wants a race war
  • Alex: portrayals of a suicide causes copycats that do mass shootings
  • Discussion: Werther Effect
  • Alex: 1000s of people are dying in Cancun every week
  • Discussion: Cancun murder stats
  • Alex points out why the shooting is a false flag
  • Alex is eager to be part of the conversation
  • Discussion: shooter's MyLife profile
  • Ales lies about El Paso Shooter
  • Alex ties Aurora shooting to El Paso, bungling details
  • Millie Weaver has confirmation bias
  • Alex accidentally points out similarities in the shooters
  • I'm just guessing! Why is it wrong to ask questions?
  • Discussion: Alex's deceptive practices
  • Alex claims he predicted El Paso
  • Alex plays false flag video
  • Everything hinges on MyLife
  • The globalists created Qanon
  • Alex makes a shit ton of false claims
  • Discussion: Antifa is going to lay siege to ICE facilities
  • Discussion: McCaslin going to Bohemian Grove
  • Alex is afraid of an FBI assessment that he hasn't read
  • Discussion: FBI assessment timing
  • Shooter's parent's are always psychologists
  • Alex talks about Unibomber
  • Alex makes shit up about Aurora shooting
  • Discussion: Alex might have identified the wrong Robert Holmes
  • Alex walks the slander line
  • Alex misreads DAPA as DARPA
  • Guest: Tom Pappert
  • Pappert pushes SSRI narrative
  • Pappert does a fake voice
  • Discussion: Shooters who weren't on psych meds
  • Pappert manages a TV station Alex is on
  • El Paso Shooter doesn't have second amendment or Alex Jones stuff on his LinkedIn
  • The death penalty keeps the Communists from taking over
  • Alex conflates white people with white supremacists
  • Discussion: Increase in white supremacist violence
  • Alex does a sad ad plug, continues the Save InfoWars sale
  • New Sale: Banniversary sale to celebrate being banned from Facebook
  • Caller: I was in an Army mind control program
  • Caller: We have nano chips and nano mafias making people operatives
  • Alex: If my family has to get hurt, so be it
  • Monday: I don't really know whats going on in El Paso
  • Alex conflates crime rate with gun death rate
  • Shooters are into the occult and play video games
  • Discussion: how people react to shooters on the left vs the right
  • Shooters all love Satan
  • Saudis did Vegas shooting to distract from a MBS assassination attempt to embarrass Trump
  • Home invasions are more common in low gun areas
  • Discussion: Burglary stats
  • Alex wants to kill people who are weird
  • Discussion: Village justice
  • Alex lies about 8chan
  • Discussion: 8chan's Cloudflare issues
  • Alex has done too much prep
  • Alex prints things because computers can crash
  • Dayton shooter wasn't beaten enough as a child
  • Alex makes Dayton rant about himself
  • Shooters wore ear protection because they played video games
  • Alex brings up babies in incubators again
  • Alex lies 7 times in 30 seconds
  • Alex is like a Jesus Lizard
  • Bill Clinton loved Wag The Dog so much that he staged it in real life
  • Alex's weekend report is a fully formed anti-left narrative about El Paso
  • Guest: Mike Adams
  • Adams has a theory about the shooting
  • Adams: It wasn't a suicide mission because he was wearing eye and ear protection
  • Mike Adams is a fucking idiot
  • The left's tools are race war
  • Alex talks about Arlington Road, says the movie's plan is real
  • Most of these movies are written by the CIA
  • Adams: It's tough to hit moving targets
  • Discussion: shooters weren't aiming at specific targets
  • It's a false flag because the police didn't beat up the shooter
  • Alex jumps on the second shooter bandwagon
  • Discussion: misinformation early after tragedies
  • Alex pushes David Hogg misinformation
  • SPLC is putting blame on Alex
  • Discussion: Elohim city still exists
  • Guest: Leo Zagami
  • Leo is an expert on false flags
  • Leo was involved in Operation Gladio
  • Discussion: Operation Gladio
  • Leo has his own explanation for the shootings
  • Marianne Williamson saying dark psychic energy is a trigger to action to the shooters
  • Leo harps on tweet between shooter's father and Williamson
  • Fascists means conservatives and Christians
  • Leo is good at infiltrating black block groups
  • We're just questioning...They're going to go for it! Globalists are making their move!
  • Alex calls for a Holy War that's already here and the left is Satanists
  • Alex is the only answer to the Globalist poison
  • New outro: I am the Jesus Lizard

Notable Bits

  • I am the Jesus Lizard