444: June 11, 2020
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Today, Dan and Jordan discuss a troubling day on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex becomes obsessed with a new video a nurse put out pushing Covid-19 conspiracies, declares that a "warlord" has taken over most of a US city, and Dan gets confused by InfoWars editing decisions.
- Top Story: NY undercover nurse says covid 19 is criminal hoax
- Erin Olszewski background
- Alex calls for people to hang
- 100s of doctors are saying covid 19 is fake
- Alex is mixing his narratives
- Vaccines kill 50% of premature babies
- CHAZ is run by an African warlord
- Raz Simone is antiva's god
- Something was cut out of Alex's feed for no reason
- Globalists are corrupting doctors on Bill Gates's orders
- Rehasing covid 19 bullshit
- Bill Gates went on Colbert and said covid 19 is a drill
- Globalists have nightmares about Alex
- Congress wants to harvest babies
- Knowledge Fight Bible Study: Suffer the little ones or I'll kill your ass
- Alex mocks the idea of 2nd wave
- Blue states are killing nursing homes with pneumonia and flu
- Luscious cashies
- Republicans couln't come up with a scheme like bundled payments, except they did
- Stolen valor by proxy
- Delay that
- Fuck the New World Order
- Psychic vampires don't just rape children
- Having a black leader is virtue signaling
- Guest: Alex Pinkney, former Black Panther
- Alex is cool with the original Black Panthers
- BLM hits man with statue
Notable Bits
- Knowledge Fight Bible Study
- Luscious cashies
Detailed Show Notes
Dan and Jordan discuss a troubling day on the Alex Jones Show where Alex is obsessed with a new video a nurse released about how Covid-19 is not real.[1]
- The nurse who made the video in question, Marie Olszewski, has founded multiple anti-vax organizations and made regular media appearances about the evils of vaccines in the past.
- Olszewski also has a tell-all book that is currently in pre-sales.
- There are many instances of attempted attacks or threats against hospitals recently. There was a bomb plot in Missouri that was foiled, the New York man who showed up at Stony Book hospital with weapons and homemade bombs, and hospitals in Chicago and Napa Valley that had to be evacuated after threats.
- The Seattle Coronavirus Assessment Network is back up and running, despite Alex's claims that they were shut down for fraud, which they were not.
- There are many accounts of medical professionals at the same hospital where Erin Olszewski worked, Elmhurst Hospital, who do not have nice things to say about her.
- Prematurely born babies are at a greater need for vaccines, and research has not shown most vaccines to be any increased danger for non-full term births.
- Alex accuses Seattle rapper Raz Simone of being an "African warlord" in the Seattle Autonomous Zone. This is just an expression of Alex's racism.
- Alex thinks a second wave of the coronavirus is coming, when in reality, most experts don't think we've even actually made it through the first wave. There are many states where cases are spiking.
- Alex discusses a man who was hit by a statue at a Portsmouth, VA protest. He misses a lot of the details though.