20: March 6 & Celebrity Cameos

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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on the March 6th episode of The Alex Jones Show, plus they discuss celebrity drop-ins from "lovable weirdo" Eddie Bravo and "potentially a Nazi" Jesse James. Topics discussed include:

  • Are Gen. Flynn and Jeff Sessions the real victims?
  • Is listening to Alex Jones unofficially required of servicemen?
  • Does Alex think that random memes are "primary sources?"
  • Can one be both a literal and metaphorical vampire?


  • First instance of Dan interrupting Jordan with a clip
  • Alex is now obsessed with saying the expression "now here's the big enchilada"
  • Alex says that Reince Preibus is sneakily going around telling Trump administration officials to resign
  • Dan says that their game is off because they are drinking white wine
  • Celebrity cameos
  • Introduction of Steve Pieczenik but Pieczenik doesn't appear in any clips
  • Jesse James and Sandra Bullock are Nazis

Notable Bits

  • Sandra Bullock is a Nazi