199: August 29, 2018

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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the August 29, 2018 episode of The Alex Jones Show. Mostly, Alex is in a bad head space and is getting super esoteric, but that doesn't stop him from proving his critics correct when they accuse him of being anti-LGBT.


  • Difficult to listen after hearing about Anders
  • FarOut made original Knowledge Fight logo
  • Katherine made a new logo
  • Alex does more political hackery
  • Alex starts 20 minutes late
  • Tucker Carlson clip: 1st amendment doesn't extend to private platforms, but maybe it should
  • Alex says they're doing what the right is actually doing
  • Alex gets weird about ID's
  • Churches will take digital offerings
  • Hand-scans will be linked to bio-metrics
  • Social ratings
  • Alex probably watched black mirror
  • Alex references ancient aliens
  • Alex accuses McCain of being a mobster in the same way he accused Trump of being a mobster
  • Alex is frustrated by being the only one who does research
  • Bankers say we're in a simulation
  • Are we in Total Recall?
  • Discussion: expand Alex's sci-fi knowledge by casting him in more movies
  • Bible says aliens want hell on earth
  • Globalists aren't atheists
  • Are dreams more real than this world
  • Subverting free will
  • Alex talks Illuminati bullshit
  • Alex was banned for telling the truth
  • Alex does ASMR and gets real weird
  • Trump is George Washington
  • Alex calls people every night to harass radio people
  • Alex does the thing he complains he's being criticized about
  • Guest: Ann Coulter
  • Guest: Darrell Hamamoto
  • Guest: Ben Garrison
  • Ben doesn't understand free speech or censorship
  • Alex does a terrible imitation of Winnie the Pooh
  • Alex can't not be transphobic
  • Alex is a libertarian but wants regulations for free speech
  • Schrodinger's podcast

Notable Bits

  • Alex ASMR