198: July 22, 2011
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Today, Dan tells Jordan about how Sonja from Sweden requested they talk about a specific day from history. The gents wrestle with one of the worst terrorists probably ever, and make sense of why life is worth living even though he is allowed to live.
- Covers July 22, 2011 massacre by Anders Breivik
- Alex reports on attack, blames it on failure of banks in Europe
- Police accidentally arrest innocent bystander but let him go
- Alex uses mistaken arrest to claim multiple shooters
- Breivik confessed but said it was necessary
- Breivik will likely be in prison forever
- In court, Breivik was unapologetic, sorry he didn't kill more people
- Alex says bombing was false flag, tries to tie it to OKC
- shooter will be metally ill, drugged up patsy
- Breivik: Nazi's action created PC culture
- Alex tries to blame Muslim extremists
- Alex is way to enthusiastic about the attack
- 98% chance it's a false flag
- Dan read the manifesto
- Alex gets onto Soros at some point before 2011
- "9 out of 10 times, it's fake"
- Alex liked Bernie in 2011
- Alex wants to build a fortress
- Did Alex kill multiple people?
- Guest: Janet Phelan
- Investigative journalist writing about bioweapons
- writes for New Eastern Outlook
- New Eastern Outlook is Russian propaganda front for academy of sciences
- Super lethal mousepox
- Helpers of Jihad take credit, Alex says he called it
- Norway need second amendment (guns were bought in Norway)
- Dan covers manifesto
- Breivik farmed emails from Facebook
- 1508 pages
- Manifesto sounds just like Alex
- Manifesto cites Robert Spencer (InfoWars guest), Geert Wilders (Alex campaigned for him)
- Breivik was into EDL and Tommy Robinson, started an NDL chapter
- Vox Day (InfoWars guest) loves Breivik
- Alex: attacker looks Norwegian, must be "White Al Qaeda"
- Alex calls Paul Joseph Watson on iPhone, doesn't put him on speakerphone
- Alex calls bombing and shooting separate attacks
- Bob Chapman can't sell gold today
- Caller from Norway
- Alex: please let it be Muslims
- Paul: Norway is a target of Globalists
- Alex admits that the right hates Muslims
- Discussion: how to fight propaganda
Notable Bits
- Go To Bed
- Hitler's Poems
- Exile