277: March 15, 2019

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Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones' show from the day after last week's terrorist attacks against mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Unsurprisingly, Alex attempts to create absurd narratives and implies that the attack may have been a false flag, while dancing around some real gross victim blaming behavior.


  • Reaction to NZ Christchurch shooting
  • Globalists launch false flags on the Ides of March
  • Alex says Manson killed Sharon Tate on the Ides (actually August 8)
  • Dan picks a random date to play a game, turns out there was an actual terror attack on that date because the world is awful
  • Alex claims the David Gray shooting in NZ 20 years ago allowed NZ to ban semi-auto rifles (he's lying)
  • Alex covers shooter's manifesto
  • Shooter demonized Pewdiepie and Candace Owens by praising them
  • Alex can't separate white supremisists from white people
  • Alex downplays shooting because Isis shoots churches
  • It's not terrorism, he's just crazy
  • Muslims don't decry terror (lies)
  • Alex plays a blurred version of the shooting video
  • Alex retreads narrative of arresting people for putting up a cross
  • Alex accidentally justifies the shooting
  • Alex reveals he hasn't read the manifesto
  • Alex hints at the shooting being staged
  • Alex reads from Robert Evan's article on Bellingcat
  • Caller proves Alex wrong about NZ gun laws
  • Guest: Syrian Girl
  • Guest: Matt Bracken
  • Matt says shooter may be Serbian (manifesto says he's European)
  • Matt wants to blame FB for having live streaming
  • Update: Stone is officially gone
  • Guest: Stewart Rhodes
  • Stewart says shooter is a true believer
  • Stewart justifies the shooting
  • Alex tells a story about a gay beach wedding where the gay wedding guests tried to kiss Muslim butts
  • Matt Bracken agrees with the shooter
  • Alex: shooters aren't brave enough to shoot soldiers
  • Muslims target women and childeren (just like white terrorists and Alex)
  • It's a false flag... ad pivot!
  • Alex makes white people the actual victim
  • Globalists now need Alex to save them
  • Alex reads manifesto on air, gets analysis wrong
  • Alex claims he's been saying what the manifesto says for years
  • Alex is upset the manifesto will overshadow him
  • Leftist professors wrote the manifesto (Alex's reaction to shooter's opinion of Trump
  • Alex calls it a synthetic attack

Notable Bits

  • Hooked on whiskey, not on phonics
  • Alex's True Story