586: August 11-12, 2021

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Today, Dan and Jordan check in on how things have been going in InfoWars world. In this installment, the date of Alex Jones' maybe-prediction of martial law being announced comes and goes, Alex has to rationalize Mike Lindell's symposium going poorly, and imaginary meetings with Globalists are discussed.


  • Celine's animals: tree in Scotland, Mendecino pet rescue
  • Martial law could happen at any moment
  • N95 mask disclaimer
  • Wet masks work until they kill you
  • All these articles are censored
  • Masks didn't work in February 2020
  • YouTube censored Rand Paul over mask video, so check out Rumble.com
  • Rand Paul's wife's stock purchases
  • Alex got distracted from his show about victories
  • Women be poisoning
  • Alex is good at killing
  • Most sick people are vaccinated
  • There's been no excess death
  • Alex's airplane broke down, so he didn't go to Mike's symposium
  • Alex wants to know bad news now
  • Alex's True Story: Alex meets with second tier globablists
  • Globalist meeting: interviewed by The Atlantic
  • Alex's True Story: Alex gives someone the heimlich
  • Climate summit won't have covid precautions
  • Atlanta school segregates students to teach white kids that they're evil
  • Alex wants to tell more globalist stories, but he signed an NDA
  • Vaccinated women want to be psychically impregnated by Bill Gate and Anthony Fauci
  • It's time fo the martial law alert
  • Globalists run 20-30 minutes late
  • Alex is mad because he can't play the emergency alert live on his show
  • Hard cut to rebroadcast
  • Alex hijacks the Warroom
  • Covid vaccine is a soft kill like in Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
  • University of Pittsburgh buys dead babies
  • Alex gets gross about Pride photo
  • Prestigious Dr Richard M Fleming explains how vaccines are bioweapons to Del Bigtree
  • Hospitals are actually full now, but they're all vaccinated
  • Alex accidentally gets Mike Adams over his earpiece and loses his shit
  • Alex is like Michael Jordan and Dale Earnhardt
  • Reading makes Alex want to kill people
  • Alex warned Mike Lindell about Dennis Montgomery
  • Alex won't say Dennis Montgomery's name
  • UK covid vaccine recipient is related to William Shakespeare
  • Alex wants to say white people are the Achilles Heel of the globalists
  • Dennis Montgomery was sent by the globalists to discredit Mike Lindell
  • Rob Dew may have had covid, had to escape from the hospital
  • Guest: Mike Adams, brings Dr Fleming on with him
  • Mike's big idea: China is using military psych profiles to blackmail the FBI and Pentagon
  • Mike: China is weakening the military to invade the US if Trump is reinstated
  • Mike: 1 in 4 people will die from the vaccine
  • Fleming explains what a bioweapon is
  • Bioweapons don't kill, they demoralize

Notable Bits

  • Alex's True Story

Detailed Show Notes

Topics covered[1]: