74: October 4-6, 2015
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the 14th installment in his investigation into why Alex Jones decided to team up with Donald Trump in 2015. Topics covered include:
- How convincing is Alex at pretending to have a panic attack on air?
- How shamefully can Alex fanboy out over a visit from Matt Drudge?
- How many Globalists are there?
- How many friends does Alex have that fell for the "Nigerian Prince" email scam?
- Charlottesville followup will not be put out
- You're not allowed to have eyes anymore
- This is cuckolding
- There are no gay utopias
- HIV is a racial bioweapon
- Al Sharpton is a Rockefeller puppet
- Globalists invented gansta rap
- baby parts in pepsi
- Alex has too much truth... ad pivot
- Alex fell for Nigerian prince scams
- Ben Carson is good, but naive
- Alex's mom did PR for 7th day adventists
- Stats on the globalists
- Globalists slowly release tech to the interns
- Message to the globalist staffers
- Caller: raptor man
- No gun laws
- Alex fakes a panic attack
- SV40 in polio vaccine
- Globalists are bold and covert
- Alex's True Story: Globalist Pub
- GNRH as birth control
- Alex doesn't need to read articles
- Alex doesn't know science
- Alex hates Gardasil
- Special Guest: Matt Drudge
- Alex fanboys over Drudge
- Sandra Bullock is a Nazi
- Mellow out the DNA force with Jack Daniels
- Drudge does an interview
- Clinton sued Drudge
- Put your guns down, Obama
- Drudge gets weird about ISIS
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story
- Sandra Bullock is a Nazi