73: August 12, 2017
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about how Alex Jones responded to the tragic events that took place over the weekend in Charlottesville, VA. Not surprisingly, Alex's take on the whole situation, and who he thinks the bad actors in the whole thing, are not what you might hope, but they're probably what you'd expect. Also, Dan and Jordan accidentally descend into a prolonged debate about guns.
- Post-Charlottesville coverage
- Alex does an emergency video
- Abort white babies
- Alex is into whiteness
- Jordan is now a soft no on White genocide
- Millie Weaver is on-site
- Here comes martial law
- Nazis were kenneled in and police let them attack
- SPLC paid actors to be Nazis
- Alex may be getting info from Daily Stormer
- Phill Mudd calls for Deep State to kill Trump
- Stop tryanny by using tyranny
- No lines between alt-right, alt-light, and Nazis
- They're going to blame the car on Trump
- Discussion: James Alex Fields and Vanguard America
- Vanguard America manifesto/Alex overlap
- Vanguard America is a PEZ dispenser
- Alex contradicts himself on RNC
- Antifa is 5 foot tall methheads
- Alex wants a snack
- FOX has turned into disinfo
- Alex live comments on FOX reporting
- Gavin McInnes is just a free speech guy
- Other than the car running over people, the inauguration was worse than Charlottesville
- SPLC ran Elohim City using hot chicks
- Hot chicks love Trump
- Alex doesn't do more rallies becfause of fake Klan members
- White people should slit thier own throats
- Alex has black friends
- Alex had to beat up a guy's uncle at Sonic
Notable Bits
- "conservatives are banned, bitches!"