75: January 7, 2011
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Today, Dan and Jordan time travel back to 2011 to satisfy the request of Policy Wonk Charles. Dan tells Jordan all about what Alex Jones was up to six and a half years ago, and the topics covered include:
- What was Alex selling before he started selling weird pills?
- Which president may or may not have lived a secret life?
- How much does Alex know about Austin banking?
- Where should you hide your guns, and where should you NOT hide your guns?
- Alex got coffee thrown on him in Seattle
- Time travel request by a wonk
- Flashbang package bombing in Maryland: it's either real, or it's staged
- 2011 commercials
- E-cig commercial
- Brad Pitt: InfoWars fan
- Angelina Jolie: evil
- Bono: Rockefeller puppet
- Sandra Bullock is a Nazi
- Home Gain commercial
- Max, the Home Gain Gorilla
- Guest: Charlotte Iserbyt, former Reagan staffer
- We are merging with the Soviet Union
- Midas Resources commercial
- Caller: RJ in Texas: What's a good local bank?
- Hide your guns
- Globalists have volcano powers
- Big Berkey Water Filters
- Diamond Gusset Jeans
- Guest: Bob Chapman
- Bob has shocking news: Reagan got pegged
- Alex doesn't know how to process the video
- Republicans are secretly gay, Dems beat women
Notable Bits
- Sandra Bullock is a Nazi