422: April 17, 2020
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see how things are on the Alex Jones Show the day after a couple of his employees were suspended from Twitter for trying to promote a rally in the middle of a pandemic. In this installment, Alex spends most of the show building narratives about a specific science fact-checker he's mad at, and the show ends with some very good comedy bits.
- Rob Dew and Owen Shroyer kicked off Twitter for promoting protest
- Alex is pissed at social media
- Fact checker from Wuhan biolab tells children to report on their parents
- Dr Daniella Anderson, Facebook fact checker bio
- Hillary Clinton says 1984 is a manual
- Alex taunts drinking from a paper cup
- You'll get banned form sharing an AP article
- Facebook says you can't sell zinc
- Facebook hired former Stasi members
- Amaden Antonio foundation
- Aneta Kahane, former unofficial Stasi informant
- Dems hired Marcus Wolf, former head of Stasi in 2004 to run Homeland Security
- Story comes from Al Martin, wrote a book about Iran Contra, "Shocking Secrets of Iran Contra"
- I'm gonna lay it out... next segment
- Trump thinks you can't handle the truth
- Flu deaths are counted as covid deaths
- CDC isn't reporting on the flu anymore
- Bill Gates wants to run the world
- The pentagon is in awe of Alex
- Trump: FDA working with Gates foundation
- We're at war with China
- Tribulation ramble... I gotta get outa here
- Alex proves Chinese censorship
- Kelly Jones involuntary bankruptcy suit
- If Trump agrees with Alex, we have to go to war... whoops, my earpiece
- Buy guns, buy water filters
- Food is money
- Ultimate smoking gun: same story, fluffed up
- Dr Anderson developed covid test kits, will make billions off of it
- SARS vs covid antibodies
- Dr Anderson hates your dad
- Alex does video commentary
- Owen Shroyer joins on the desk
- Owen: War with China
- Alex wants to fight anyone who bumps into him
- Gross impression corner
- Stop breathing to beat covid
- Complaints to Twitter
- Right to free assembly
- Hang yourself to beat covid
- Owne wears a baby mask, kills Alex
- Alex puts on baby mask
- Kicking Owen off Twitter is a war crime
- InfoWars brand organic hand sanitizer spray
- Horrible gay joke
- Alex, you should put your career on the line in the wrestling ring
Notable Bits
- Shocking Secrets of Iran Contra
Detailed Show Notes
Dan and Jordan discuss an episode of the Alex Jones Show that is mostly about Alex trying to make a target of a med school professor in Singapore, and rattling the sabers of war toward China.[1]
Topics covered include:
- Owen Shroyer's recent suspension from Twitter for promoting a rally against social distancing
- Alex's new theory that Facebook's science fact-checking is being run by one of the top scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This is based on a misrepresentation about Dr. Danielle Anderson, who contributes to an entity called Health Feedback, which is a part of Science Feedback, a group that is subcontracted by Facebook to assist with fact-checking. She teaches at Duke-NUS in Singapore, and has worked occasionally with researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the past
- Alex claims that Hillary Clinton views 1984 as a how-to-manual. This is based on a blog post about an excerpt from her 2017 book, and he's just quoting the headline of that blog
- The co-discoverer of HIV has made comments that Alex is citing as support for his positions. A lot of this is based on the retracted Indian paper about Covid-19, which has been discredited, particularly by a Feb. 2020 article in Emerging Microbes and Infections
- Alex's belief that Facebook is run by 10,000 Stasi members is based on a misrepresentation of a German task force on online hate speech, which included an NGO headed by Anette Kahane, who was an unofficial informant for the Stasi for a few years when in college
- The CDC is not covering up the flu season, they've just ended updating their burden estimates for the season.
- Alex is being sued by his ex-wife for a lot of money, in a case that is set for trial on April 23
- Alex's water filters are shipped by My Patriot Supply
- Johns Hopkins keeps a list of all the Covid-19 tests, one of which was developed at Duke-NUS, and Dr. Anderson did assist with it. This test they created was designed to detect very specific antibodies, because they were developing it in a country that had been hit hard by SARS.
Also, Alex and Owen Shroyer engage in some wacky comedy bits, including Owen wearing a baby mask and pretending to kill Alex.