331: March 13-14, 2013

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Today, Dan and Jordan come to you from the past to discuss a couple episodes of The Alex Jones Show from the even deeper past. In this installment, the gents find Alex embarking on an intense white victimhood narrative, responding to the news of a new Pope being named, and doing an iffy impression of McGruff The Crime Dog.


  • Recorded before Jordan went on vacation, before Epstein death
  • Guest: George Noory
  • Alex claims George was the first to give Alex wide distribution
  • Discussion: Danger of Coast to Coast AM
  • Alex is convinced most radio shows get their info from InfoWars and Drudge
  • Alex gets upset over LA Times oped: If you're white, you're a terrorist
  • Mark Potok on Hardball: White extremists are a problem
  • Who is that? You bet!
  • Discussion: Mark Potok's video quoting James Yeager
  • Discussion: James Yeager background and InfoWars
  • Alex prehypes attacks
  • Alex talks Star Wars a bunch
  • Discussion: Alex says his rant called Boston bombing, not cover for James Yeager rhetoric
  • Alex read LA Times article loosely, jumps to white people are terrorists
  • They're going to nuke a city and kill Alex (Arlington Road System?)
  • No clips of George Noory
  • Guest: James O'Keefe
  • O'Keefe cancels because he's sick
  • New Pope: Alex covers without flair
  • Discussion: Alex should have known about new pope from Leo Zagami
  • War on terror is aboiut White Al Qaeda
  • Alex is super worred about white terrorism
  • Other Project Vertias guy comes on to talk about video
  • Alex reveals that he really wants to shoot someone
  • Alex does a terrible McGruff the crime dog impression
  • Discussion: Alex is on a white identity narrative now
  • Whites have to wear an armband to show they're evil to get their tuition
  • Discussion: Aaron Dykes story
  • Discussion: DPI and Vista documents
  • Alex spends some time praising Hitler
  • Discussion: Hitler's military background
  • Alex tends to believe Nazi propaganda
  • Alex evolves the armband narrative to universities all over the country
  • Alex is dismissinve of a Catholic conspiracy
  • Aaron Dykes gets racist on air
  • Globalists are pushing civil rights to push white people's buttons
  • Alex gets too specific about his dad's intelligence test story
  • Discussion: details about Alex's dad story
  • Caller confronts Alex about his fear mongering
  • Alex drops call, claims caller hung up
  • Guest: Ted Anderson
  • Alex hypes Ted's quality as gold salesman
  • Caller shook Alex, needs Ted to save him
  • Alex rants over Ted's sale
  • Alex writes ad copy for Midas
  • Are Midas, Youngevity, GCN, InfoWars all the same company?
  • If Michael Moore gets Sandy Hook pics released, it's likely a staged event
  • Alex interviews random grandpa, lets him host 4th hour (overdrive)