332: Anunnaki Stasis and Emerald Treaties
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a little adventure into Project Camelot land to discuss an interview Sweary Kerry did with a woman who claims to be both Anunnaki and Martian royalty. She also has some interesting ideas about history and religion that are completely foreign, but also strangely familiar.
- Dan explains why he doesn't cover Epstein: Alex is on vacation
- Alex tells another pool story
- Project Camelot: an interview with Emily Windsor Cragg
- Kerry gives a background of Emily
- Emily was radicalized during the Clinton years
- Emily was being gang-stalked
- Emily wants to create a grand unified theory of her books
- The original races of Earth were no match for predatory races
- Discussion: Emily's books
- Emily is Anunnaki, related to king Nanar, and has psychic access to the bloodline
- in 2007, Anunnaki in stasis were dug up
- Durgal possibly survived
- Kerry is skeptical about stasis
- Discussion: Anunnaki Sarcophagus hoax
- Emily talks about the Emerald Tablets of Thoth
- Kerry doubts Emily about the Emerald Tablets
- Emerald Treat exists to protect the white races
- Kerry disagrees on the Emerald Covenant Treaty
- Emily talks about white gold miners in South America
- Jesuits wrote the Koran
- Kerry pushes back hard
- Emily got Jesuit narration from Dr .Bill Warner
- Discussion: Bill Warner/ Bill French
- Kerry says Jesus wasn't hung on the cross
- Emily says yup, that's the start of the Merovingian bloodline
- Discussion: the gospel of Barnabas
- Globalists run both parties of government
- Emily talks Rothschilds
- New constitution of the United States of North America, an Islamic nation
- Kerry does not believe Emily
- Emily talks North American union
- Emily wants schools to teach admiralty law
- Anunnaki monitor Emily
- Emily talks to Yahweh
- Emily hears voices
- Emily is Anunnaki because she can't deal with people
- Emily is Mars royalty
- Emily is an illegitimate child of the Duke of Windsor
- Emily has half-sisters around the world
- "That's what Royals do, They spread the seed around"
- Discussion: Duke of Windsor clones
- Discussion: Peggy Childers/ Margaret Anne Windsor
- Discussion: looking into Emily's background, finding Anti-semitic stuff
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story
- Hi Kerry!
- Voyager Series by Asheyana Deane