186: February 17-18, 2009
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about some of Alex Jones' past deeds. In this episode, the gents learn about so many lies about European Satanism and meet a possibly disappointing (but definitely very crazy) guest.
- Jordan watched The Keepers, so destroy the Catholic church
- impromptu weapons to keep in your car: hammer, road flares
- Iran has taken probing terror attacks
- Israel is launching attacks into Iran
- Alex understands Iran's blustering rhetoric
- Caller: the mistake in the oath of office at the inauguration is an attempt to end the presidency
- Does Alex drop a stealth Chrysler ad?
- Caller: World leaders are occult satanists
- Tony and Cherie Blair are friends with someone who might believe in ghosts
- Peter Foster pulled a real estate con on the Blairs
- Foster dated Samantha Fox
- Nothing occult, people are just dumb
- Alex: google Tony Blair occult, 1000's of hits
- Alex makes up bullshit about Blairs
- The narrative of Tony talking to spirits comes from Foster
- Soft Ya Busted
- François Mitterrand howls at the moon
- Alex calls I M Pei a Japanese architect (he's Chinese)
- François did a ritual at the Louvre, then went to a mountain and howled at the moon
- Louvre has 666 panes of glass in the pyramid (wrong, it's 673)
- 666 narrative comes from Da Vinci Code
- Sidenote: Alex told Mike Rotondo to wander around a mountain and howl at the moon
- Helmut Schmidt loved Bohemian Grove
- Germans are satanists and love groves
- Alex plays 2 minutes of Bark At The Moon
- Alex quotes his own movie and speech as a source
- Helmnut Schmidt may have been a Nazi, but Alex doesn't address it
- Alex plays Bark At The Moon as he goes to and comes back from commercial
- If rituals are evil, what is Baptism?
- Globalists will used the financial crisis to bring in tyranny
- Congress has 11% approval, Obama's is higher because he's black
- We are a way better military than Iraq
- The Patriot was based on true events
- We'll rebel if they kill "the wrong people's children"
- Discussion: Why doesn't Alex advocate violence if he actually thinks the globalists are demons? Answer: He knows he'll get arrested if he says that
- Ken Lay is alive, he escaped to Paraguay
- Enron sold narcotics and laundered money, just like Alex said a year before they went down (he never said that)
- Alex isn't racist, you are!
- Obama's an Arab
- Alex talks about the percentage African that Obama is
- Obama is the first Arab president
- Glenn Spencer (border patrol drone man) attributes his website growth to Alex, Alex downplays when Glen uses actual numbers
- Glenn can't get arrested
- Glenn rented out the press club but no one came
- Mexican government is causing upheaval to send immigrants north
- Mexican consulate gives out fake ID's to immigrants
- Alex says immigrants are all criminals
- Everything is brainwashing
- Caller accuses Alex of covering up population control
- Martial law in Congress is not the same as martial law
- Alex needs a nap after a listener showed up at his house the night before
- Pastor Lindsey Williams is an oil prophet who was a chaplain to oil pipeline workers in Alaska
- pastors are executives so he went to all the top secret meetings
- An elite told Lindsey about the financial collapse
- All taxes come from oil
- Lindsey accidentally makes a good point about the stimulus package
- Lindsey is afraid to contact the elite source again
- Oil prices dropped because states are waking up
- InfoWars forum hates Lindsey
- A caller busts Obama, he said he was a Muslim on video outside a club
- Vacuum seal your bullets
- Bullet scarcity in 2009 was due to fear of Obama
- Discussion: value of the mineral rights David Jones owns
- Da Vinci Code