187: Magic Cheesecloth and Secret Pleiadians

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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about a fun new Project Camelot adventure where Sweary Kerry interviews a guy about Helen Duncan, noted spiritualist from the 1930's. Tune in to hear two adults pretend Helen wasn't a con-artist, stay for massive lore reveals about Kerry's roster of guests.


  • Churchill and Ian Fleming framed and murdered Helen Duncan
  • Just kidding! She was a scammer who regurgitated cheesecloth to try to trick people into thinking she was producing ectoplasm
  • Rise to fame: finding a missing man in the snow, knowing about a ship that sank that the public didn't know about
  • Last person in UK jailed under the witchcraft act
  • Photographer Harvey Metcalf photographed her apparitions, they're just papier-mâché
  • London Spiritualist Society looked into her ectoplasm, proved her a fraud rather easily
  • Got her to eat a blue dye pill, she couldn't produce ectoplasm
  • Harry Price, director of National Laboratory of Physical Research, tested ectoplasm, it was cheesecloth
  • Helen refused an X-ray, hit her husband, ran away, threw a fit, passed him cheesecloth
  • Mary McLinley, Helen's maid, confirmed that Helen used cheesecloth, and confirmed that the husband was in on it
  • Ben has evidence of Ian Fleming framing Helen, but hasn't read the book and doesn't know the name of it
  • After being arrested, Helen wanted to do a séance at the trial, the judge said no
  • Ben thinks Fleming worked alone, Kerry says Fleming reported to Churchill and helped hide D-Day
  • Kerry refers to Operation James Bond (OPJB), Ben agrees with her
  • Mark Richards partied with Churchill
  • Churchill knew about ET's
  • Does Kerry throw around knowing Mark as clout?
  • Sean David Morton is another conman who was thrown in jail for "overstepping investment laws", Kerry lost $160,000 in his scheme
  • He's a sovereign citizen who filed fake taxes
  • Sean is writing a book based on a whistleblower
  • Sean and his wife Melissa were arrested for tax fraud
  • Sean ran a conspiracy cruise, was arrested as the boat docked
  • Ben: Why do psychics keep getting arrested
  • Dan: Why aren't more of you arrested
  • Kerry starts directing the narrative
  • Conspiracy theorists have a higher IQ
  • Religions don't like mediums
  • Maggie Duncan calls in
  • She was skeptical of Helen, began investigation, Helen appeared in a séance
  • Also, Maggie is a Pleiadean and introduced Kerry to Eddie Page
  • Maggie and Eddie share a bloodline
  • Kerry doesn't want to talk about Pleiadeans


  • Operation James Bond