544: May 1, 2003

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Today, Dan and Jordan jump deep into the past to check in and see how Alex Jones was doing back in the middle of George W. Bush's presidency. In this installment, the gents explore what it means to be "above the two-party illusion," add new entries to the list of accused communists, and learn if you can still legally play musical chairs.


  • Mission Accomplished day
  • NWO agenda is falling apart
  • Bill Clinton wants you to know what martial law is about
  • Alex does a Rush voice
  • Globalists get guns
  • Young marines anti-drug program
  • Conservatives are secret liberals
  • Iraq provisional government is on the way
  • They're coming for your guns!
  • George W Bush is a super socialist
  • Alex is sad for people abused by the government
  • Livestock ID is just about taxes
  • Commercial: protect our food supply
  • Dodgeball has been banned!
  • Musical chairs is on the chopping block
  • Tag gets you arrested
  • Boys aren't allowed to talk to girls
  • British government released foot and mouth disease
  • Foot and mouth is a race specific bioweapon
  • Alex will get to everything after this break
  • FEMA campls for children and minorities
  • Dump IBM stock because IBM owns the Chinese military
  • Caller: I can't sleep because I read what you tell me to
  • Tragedy brings listeners
  • Caller: Re-declaration of independence by Eric Rainbolt
  • Caller: Let's dig up dirt on Hannity
  • Michael Savage is a beatnik communist
  • Caller: I don't need a license to drive
  • FOX news is ultra-commie
  • SARS is overrated
  • ad pivot: buy InfoWars documentaries
  • Epiphany: Alex is to prepared and certain
  • Caller: how do immigrants get drivers' licenses?
  • Alex's True Story: Alex takes calls on conservative shows
  • Alex's True Story: Alex takes a call from a UK prison guard
  • Caller: local radio won't let me talk
  • Oklahoma family funded John Birch Society... it's the Kochs
  • Caller: Saddam is on a beach in Cuba
  • Caller: John Birch Society called 9/11
  • McCarthy was right

Notable Bits

  • Alex's True Story