202: September 4-6, 2018

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Today, Dan and Jordan discuss the incredibly chaotic couple of days that Alex Jones has lived through. He thought he was going to DC to have some fun, he ended up getting kicked off Twitter, and Dan and Jordan end up arguing about journalism.


  • Alex and InfoWars kicked off Twitter
  • Alex complained the media says he has no fans
  • Alex misrepresents statistics about InfoWars
  • Alex would never take a Pulitzer
  • InfoWars is bringing in record money, but the opposition is racking up record expenses, so InfoWars needs more money
  • Alex's religion is repsecting you
  • Discussion: Alex accosting Rubio
  • Discussion: why was Alex kicked off?
  • Discussion: Kavanaugh hearing
  • Alex wasn't being disruptive, he was being a journalist
  • Mueller is trying to frame, arrest, and kill Alex
  • Alex is Godzilla
  • Alex cuts a promo about midterm elections
  • Alex tries to tie Mueller into Uranium One
  • Alex talks about Oliver Darcy
  • Alex compares Darcy to Brian Stelter
  • Darcy is effeminate evil
  • Dan's helicopter dick heckler story
  • Alex compliments Trump in a weird way
  • Alex gets real weird
  • Globalists want to build walls, but they're different than Trump's wall
  • Alex is a target because Globalists want to kill most of the population
  • Alex tells his kids he's likely going to be murdered
  • Alex claims he was with Trump from the beginning
  • Deep state wants to kill Trump with a nuke... ad pivot!
  • Roger Stone talks about NYT "I'm on the inside" op-ed
  • Roger speculates who wrote op-ed
  • Roger claims he has an op-ed about Clinton
  • Discussion: fuck the op-ed writer
  • Discussion: fighting nazis
  • Roger: how did Rubio not know Alex?
  • Alex keeps playing Final Countdown
  • Roger and Own start GoFundMe for bullhorns
  • Discussion: Bob Chapman's newsletter "The International Forecaster"
  • Roger congratulates Alex for yelling at Darcy
  • Alex mispronounces Nike
  • Alex misunderstands why NFL viewership is dropping
  • Alex calls Kaepernick a little bitch
  • Kaepernick was hired by Soros
  • Alex talks AGAINST 1st amendment
  • Discussion: everyone should unionize
  • Alex teases big news
  • Mini InfoWars roulette: Alex's twitter ban response
  • Mike Adams runs ads on his site as well
  • Alex gives response on Owen's War Room
  • Owen interviews his boss
  • Alex blames Rubio and Darcy, gets racist
  • Dudes turn off response after about 2 minutes


  • The International Forecaster