203: March 2-4, 2009

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Today, Dan and Jordan return to their investigation of what Alex Jones was up to in 2009, as the Tea Party began to become ascendant in right wing politics. On this installment, the gents examine the week after the Nationwide Chicago Tea Parties and see if Alex has noticed it yet. Along the way, they learn what sort of people Alex thinks are "legitimate tax researchers."


  • Alex talks Soros, but he's not a Globalist
  • Discussion: Soros and oil
  • Feds are going to kill economy and then bomb the US and Israel
  • Iran and Russia are cool, Israel is not cool
  • Alex gets reminded about Texas Independence day by caller
  • Alex talks to Professor George Grayson about the threat of Mexican economic collapse
  • Prof does not think Mexican economy will collapse
  • Alex doesn't approve of military mistreating Muslims
  • Caller: Fox News and this election and my mom brought me to Alex
  • Alex gets self aware about singing along
  • Jason Bermis is going to get a show
  • WalMart is a force vaccination site
  • Alex tells people on the street type stories
  • Mike Rivero interview (skipped)
  • Richard C Cooke interview (skipped)
  • Is this Rob Dew's first time on InfoWars?
  • Rob brings up tax protests
  • Alex wants to bring on tax protestors
  • Patriot mythology
  • Discussion: famous tax protestors
  • tax protestors = sovereign citizens
  • The Jews started the Federal Reserve
  • Alex is upset that Glenn Beck talks about FEMA camps
  • Alex talks about abortion
  • Alex has too much evidence on FEMA camps
  • Alex talks about Georgian war, shows that he's on Russia's side
  • Alex makes fun of Michael Savage


  • The Law That Never Was
  • The Church Deceived