349: April 15-16, 2013

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Today, Dan and Jordan take a look at the episodes of The Alex Jones Show on the day of and the day after the bombing at the Boston Marathon. In this installment, a Family Guy episode gets distorted, one of Alex's employee's relatives becomes an essential piece of the conspiracy, and Detective John Munch comes along for the ride.


  • Coverage of the Boston Bombing
  • Discussion: looking back at Boston Bombing
  • Discussion: how Alex covers the tragedies
  • Alex starts the show by talking about gold prices
  • They just want to drive gold prices down so they can buy it
  • Discussion: 2013 gold prices
  • Trendies want to put all gun owners in jail
  • Discussion: Alex's panicked rhetoric
  • Alex doesn't like Lady Gaga and Ke$ha
  • TSA gropes the Pillsbury Doughboy
  • Sandy Hook was a composite false flag where kids died and there were actors
  • Alex keeps referring to Newtown as Hew Haven
  • Alex rants that they're going to strike first; hits Sandy Hook points
  • Guest: Richard Belzer
  • Dan loses respect for Belzer
  • Belzer uses InfoWars as a source for his book on JFK's assassination
  • Belzer doesn't know how his computer works
  • Discussion: E Howard Hunter v Spotlight
  • Belzer is influenced by None Dare Call It Conspiracy
  • Terrible news, I hope it's an accident, who will they blame it on?
  • Discussion: Belzer is part of the coverage of the bombing
  • Belzer: it doesn't matter who they blame
  • Alex and Belzer watch CNN, get angry at their coverage
  • Alex and Belzer speculate on who did it
  • Within minutes, Alex decides it's fake
  • Globalists have a false flag menu
  • Belzer complains about swiftboat veterans
  • Discussion: Corsi was a swift boater
  • Alex realizes it's Patriot's Day in Massachusetts
  • Discussion: motivated reasoning
  • Alex asks callers for key intel
  • This could be the start of something big if they blame the patriots
  • Alex tries to tie himself into CNN's coverage
  • Belzer: How dare Wolf Blitzer ask questions about Patriots...Day
  • Alex: let's go to Drudge
  • keep on googling!
  • Discussion: Boston marathon history
  • Alex realizes it's Tax Day
  • Alex is surprised his predictions are real
  • Alex misunderstands Rob Dew
  • Discussion: Rob Dew's brother was in the race, and got pulled out for dehydration
  • Discussion: Tough Ruck Runs
  • April 16: We're going to be on all day long
  • Alex accuses Obama of fear-mongering
  • 1 chance in 100 this was a real attack
  • Alex tries to justify his viewpoint
  • Discussion: Alex's justification
  • You're wrong because you're right
  • Discussion: Matt Gertz's Media Matters article
  • Alex: They're blaming the patriots
  • Stewart Rhodes is driving to Boston
  • Alex says Putin did false flags
  • Alex talks about bomb-sniffing dogs out in public
  • Discussion: training police dogs
  • Family Guy called the Boston Bombing
  • Discussion: Family Guy Taliban episode
  • Discussion: Alex's deliberate misrepresentation of bombing
  • 1 out of 100 drills will be bombings... just like Arlington Road
  • Alex acknowledges Dan Bidondi as an InfoWars employee
  • Alex assumes that people on the roof are bomb spotters
  • Alex is excited about Bidondi harassing people
  • Discussion: Alex misses Dan Bidondi
  • Alex is pushing repetitively to get in into your head
  • Alex is hinging on Family Guy and claiming Peter Griffin is a Tea Party member
  • There's no evidence of Oathkeepers being crazy
  • Discussion: Crazy Oathkeepers
  • CNN national security analyst warns of right-wingers
  • Discussion: Peter Bergin interview
  • Alex sees headlines as proving him right
  • Alex uses the same source 3 times
  • If we allow them to blame the patriots, it's all over
  • Caller: Eddie in Texas has intel
  • Caller: This runner had 1979 on his shirt
  • Guest: Joel Skousen
  • Joel: I don't think that's good intel
  • Alex is going on Coast to Coast AM
  • Discussion: Rob Dew's brother in law
  • Doug Hagmann: Are we wrong to be cautious about calling it a false flag?
  • Why doesn't anyone ever attack the UN?
  • Doug: expect more attacks
  • Alex starts agreeing with a Reddit troll post
  • Maybe it was the Weathermen
  • Jakari Jackson plays a heavily edited Family Guy video
  • David Knight says Peter Griffin is Tea Party