106: Drunk Special Report
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Today, Dan and Jordan discuss how Alex Jones recently put out a drunk special report that is really just a commercial trying to promote an upcoming 34-hour-long broadcast marathon, which is itself just a 34-hour-long commercial. It's a sad snake eating its own tail, and it sends the gents to dark headspaces and an amazing game show pitch.
- Dan met Morgan Spurloch and Shaq
- Benevolent Minor Celebrity Run-ins
- Special report on a Vice article on the 36-hour marathon
- 34-hour spite Cyber Monday marathon
- When attacked, Alex becomes the missile
- Alex's True Story: Soros asks libertarians to shit talk Alex
- Roy Moore is a gentleman
- At least Roy Moore wasn't at a drag convention
- Alex doesn't understand anonymous sources
- Alex describes his own process
- Workshopping the marathon name
- Alex googles himself
- Alex gets transphobic
- Alex wants little people at the marathon
- Alex puts Gavin McInnes's business in the streets
- Roy Moore likes young women, and Alex likes them older
- Rob Dew explains how to raise children
- InfoWars 24 hours a day
- Joe Biden gropes kids
- Jeff Sessions, defender of children
Notable Bits
- Benevolent Minor Celebrity Run-ins
- Alex's True Story