105: March 18, 2014
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Today, Dan and Jordan fulfill the request of one of their Globalist Policy Wonk donors, the great Keegan, and travel back in time to 2014. The hunt was on for an episode where Alex was drunk at work, so the search began at St. Patricks Day. We don't really think Alex was drunk on March 18th, but the utter nonsense coming out of his mouth would make more sense if he was.
Also, Alex insults a Make-A-Wish kid.
- Time Travel for Keegan
- The search for drunk Alex
- Alex is mad at Lebron James because of Obamacare
- Get Obamacare, get vaccinated, get an abortion
- Alex loses the thread, does a Caddyshack impression
- Alex doesn't understand socialism
- Obamacare will take all your money
- Kevin Trudeau is a conman
- Linus Pauling said take Vitamin C
- Martha Stewart is innocent
- Government subsidies of hospitals, not insurance
- Alex has thoughts about Crimea
- ATF Agent: Raiding gun stores is fun
- NSA records all phone calls
- Welfare is economic warfare to tak your guns
- Alex shits on a kid with Leukemia
- What makes a man? Honor
- Alex transcended delusions and narcisism at age 5
- Where's Nonk?
- Esoteric Alex
- Demographic cliff, lots of dogwhistling
- FEMA camps are coming... ad pivot
- Mental illness is trendy
- Althletes used to be not arrogant
- Cancer ribbons are a globalist plan
- Alex: I do not work for a foreign government, but I have solidarity with Russia
Notable Bits
- Where's Nonk?
- Esoteric Alex