107: December 12, 2014

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Today, Jordan picked a random day from the past for Dan to research, and he accidentally picked a huge winner. Not only does Alex Jones gloss over the CIA torture report, but he also has two of the weirdest guests on the show imaginable: Prof. Darrell Hamamoto (Dan's "favorite crazy") and Billy Corgan (singer, mad at Anderson Cooper).


  • 34 hour marathon is just ads
  • Amazon ad followed by Alex saying don't use Amazon
  • Jordan wants to know what Alex thinks of the torture report
  • Alex references family issues
  • Boehner riff is important news
  • Let's talk about Obamacare
  • Emperor Palpatine quote
  • David Rockefeller is behind Obamacare
  • Kurt Nimmo and Rob Jacobson: Former InfoWars employees who have turned on Alex
  • Alex likes Krauthammer over Hannity
  • Pay for a billboard for Alex
  • Let's talk about the torture report... It's a white wash
  • General Taguba report
  • Crimes of passion are OK
  • Torture is natural
  • Russia tortures because of the US
  • Alex wants to beat someone to death
  • Guest: Darrell Hamamoto
  • Darrell complements then shits on Steve Pieczenik
  • Darrell explains his red pill plan
  • UC Davis President Linda Katehi toppled the Greek economy
  • Alex redpilled Hamamoto
  • Hamamoto plugs for Alex
  • Darrel's colleague was declared legally dead
  • Students are dropping out for humanities because of the 1970's theory scare, which was a psy-op
  • Obama says Africans can't have cars or air conditioning
  • Alex hangs up on caller who needs help
  • Guest: Billy Corgan
  • The CIA and Anderson Cooper hate Billy Corgan
  • Billy's charity magazine cover
  • Billy gets shitty
  • Anderson Cooper's background
  • Billy Corgan ad pivot
  • Dan says Kanye West isn't coming on InfoWars (Kanye later would do this)
  • Music and jesters overthrow kings
  • FBI and CIA killed John Lennon
  • Local news is written in NY, like The Man In The High Castle
  • Fuck Sinclair Broadcasting
  • Fuck Ajit Pai
  • Billy: We don't have to tell the truth