325: Feb. 27-Mar. 10, 2013
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Today, Dan and Jordan return to the past to continue their investigation into what Alex Jones was up to in 2013. In this installment, Alex goes on a vacation, so he's out of studio for a week, but before he leaves, he references an obscure and very insane pastor, which naturally sent Dan down a very weird rabbit hole that may be very revealing.
- Alex gets upset over Texas vaccination bills
- Discussion: SBG3 and SBG4
- It took 6 months for InfoWars to notice the bills
- Texas will be protected from the tribulations
- Alex talks about Ninevah a lot
- Alex references Pastor David J Smith
- Discussion: Pastor David J Smith background
- Discussion: British Israelism
- Discussion: Christian Identity background
- Discussion: Esau's birthright
- Smith's sermons were full of conspiracy theories
- There's a lot of parallels to Smith and Alex
- 92% of people who claim to be Jews aren't related to Jews
- Jews caused communism
- Jews are pushing World Government
- Jews are evil magicians
- Jews know they're not Israelites
- Smith talks about exterminating Jews
- Birth Right means world domination
- Discussion: British Israelism and colonialism
- Smith supports Rhodesia and apartheid
- Smith believes Africans should be slaves
- Similarities betwwen Smith and Alex
- Smith is PEZ
- Smith believes One World Government will disarm people
- Smith uses fake documents to make his point
- Smith uses the same face quotes as Alex
- Smith supports Ron Paul
- Smith references Lindsay Williams, oil field reverend
- Smith relates his point to a movie
- Discussion: Alex on shortwave
- Disucssion: shortwave connections
- May 14, 2008: Smith on InfoWars
- Alex calls Smith an Icon of the fight on the NWO
- Discussion: Red Beckman and Smith: Icons
- Caller: Steve in Chicago gets racist, Alex pushes back
- Smith talks British Israelism on InfoWars
- Clip replay: Inauguration birthright
- The Rules for Communist Revolution