324: Bilderberg Speeches
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Today, Dan and Jordan break in the new studio by doing a special episode about the time that Alex Jones and Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot both gave speeches at a Bilderberg Group protest. There are similarities, there are differences, and then there's a horrifying revelation about something that Kerry believes.
- DJ Danarchy is going to get a special level all his own
- Alex went to Bilderburg in 2013 and gave a speech
- We are in a war! They want us gone!
- Today is the day the sleeping giant wakes up to defeat the globalists!
- Alex starts a narrative while on stage
- 40% of the population will have cancer by 2020
- "1000s of percentile points"
- Discussion: UK cancer rate
- Alex misrepresents Peter Sasieni's research
- Alex has a power outage, people are upset
- "Never fear, the bullhorn is here"
- Hey cops, you're going to get cancer!
- Alex makes a Jack the Ripper analogy
- They're shooting us with bioweapons
- Alex gets a chant going: "We know you are killers"
- Hey camera guy, show the field
- Alex sounds like Trump
- Discussion: Alex's crowd skills
- Special Guest: Kerry Cassidy
- Kerry complains about her time slot
- The router has been stolen
- Kerry does a bad set
- Kerry deserves better than this setup
- Kerry gives credentials, suck it Wikileaks
- Kerry made a TV pilot
- Discussion: Andrew Basiago
- Kerry cuts a promo on the the Rothschilds
- The crowd is not feeling Kerry
- The people that run the world do so from off planet or underground
- You may think I'm crazy, but you haven't talked to my crazies
- You're not part of humanity 2.0
- They're monitoring your children's talents and gifts
- Kerry says government is creating autistic children with fluoride
- A lot of people in Bilderberg have been cloned
- Cloners are short lived menial labor
- Kerry insults Alex, gets the hurry up light
- Discussion: The hustle hierarchy
- It's important for America to wake up the UK
- Discussion: Kerry's problematic beliefs
- Kerry's site has malware
- Discussion: Kerry's threshold for belief
- Anunnaki beach photo
- Zionists are descendants of Anunnaki
- Kerry believes Zecharia Sitchin
- If you don't understand Anunnaki in the past, you won't understand Israel
- Kerry is part Anunnaki (she has Jewish blood)
- Kerry respects David Icke, but he isn't correct
- Many incidents in history are actually Anunnaki
- Spider leadership is in play
- Discussion: Implications of Kerry's beliefs
- You're stupid if you don't know Anunnaki is Jews
- Antarctica is dominated by ant beings
- James Fetzer: frequent Project Camelot guest
Notable Bits
- Hi Kerry!