323: July 19, 2019
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a look at a modern day installment of The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex does what he thinks is a "family show," which includes outright racism, speculation about a Congressperson's genitals, and tips on how to enlarge one's penis. This is "a family show" to Alex.
- New theme song from DJ Danarchy
- Alex talks about Labrador he may have overdosed
- Discussion: Alex's talk of dead dogs
- Discussion: Alex's failed dying dog metaphor
- Alex's issue with Omar: she's an Arab
- Arabs taught Europeans to use black slaves
- Omar is Arab royalty
- Alex talks shit about Omar's background Alex wants to send Omar back even if there's a price on her head
- Alex speculates about Omar's genitals re: female genital mutilation
- 4th of July sale is still
- Alex hasn't cut new ads because he was in a food coma
- Discussion: Food comas
- Don't take the Lord's name in vain, but GD Hillary to hell
- Weird religion is a relief valve for Alex
- This is a family show. Let's talk about the clit
- Alex tells his Mexican beach gay wedding story again
- Alex says f-hag way too many times
- People side with the devil out of fear
- The devil's power is like the Sith
- Kill your dog to get the devil's power
- Where's Nonk?
- Humans can be used as the tool of god's vengeance
- Alex: make me a vessel of god's vengeance
- God puts weight on you to make sure you can take it
- Discussion: Alex's view of god's tasks matches his view of satanist tasks
- Discussion: hoping someone carries out god's vengeance
- When 2 pigs have sex, you get Omar
- Alex is going to cut new ads after this show
- QVC countdown clock
- Alex cuts into 4th hour to push product
- I can feel your blood, globalists...Let's go to the phones
- Alex does the voice to talk back to the globalists
- Alex sings Pancho and Lefty
- Caller: I was in broadcasting for 15 years, but I didn't know of you
- Caller: I have body pain, what product do you recommend?
- Discussion: planted calls vs sucking up
- Iodine makes your dick big
Notable Bits
- Where's Nonk?
- Alex's True Story