326: July 26-29, 2019
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in on the present day of the Alex Jones Show to see what's going on. The gents find Alex dipping his toe deep into the pool of racism, getting weird about Area 51, and vaguely threatening Trump if he doesn't intervene to protect Instagram memes.
- Alex's dad taught him about the French Revolution and Communism
- Theory: There might be more to the Pastor Smith connection
- Alex talks directly to Trump about Instagram accounts that got booted
- Discussion: meme account bans
- Alex tries to claim 200 million people were kicked off Instagram
- Meme fines and meme jail
- Disucssion: CASE Act
- If Trump goes down, Alex goes down
- Discussion: How can Alex survive
- Alex is mad at Donny Deutsch
- Alex spent 30 minutes counting Instagram accounts on an accounting calculator
- Alex talks about students losing financial aid, blames teachers, doesn't know what the story actually is
- Discussion: Financial Aid Regulation
- Alex twists the conversation about Elijah Cummings and Trump feud
- Alex makes shit up about Vicotor Blackwell
- Discussion: How and why Alex twists the narrative
- Alex takes Trump to the woodshed over memes
- Alex kinda threatens Trump
- Alex thanks audience for support after yelling at Trump
- Alex ends Sunday wiht an iodine infomercial
- Alex's friends and family are losing Instagram accounts
- Guest: Joe Banister's brother
- Joe's brother comes on to talk about the garlic festival shooting
- Alex is excited for John Ratcliffe as Director of National Intelligence
- Discussion: John Ratcliffe background
- Discussion: Director of National Intelligence
- Alex claims there's no evidence of white supremacists attacking minorities
- Discussion: number of murders vs murder rate
- Bill Gates is brainwashing you
- You have to pay to have a Facebook page
- Alex doesn't know what point he's making about Area 51
- Alex wants the Area 51 guy to come on his show
- The CIA started the Area 51 event
- Discussion: how Alex disorients his audience
- ChiComms are the most racist
- Alex has an adopted South Korean sister
- Alex's South Korean sister is Chinese
- Bill Gates is from the Chickenshit dimension
- Discussion: PEZ reading
- Alex thinks he's covered Gates already
- Discusion: Robin Diangelo
- Discussion: public speaking fees
- Storm Area 51 will become storm the White House
- Alex does a commercial for his SubscribeStar
- SubscribeStar update
- John Bannister talks about the garlic festival shooting
- They need one world government because we're going to space
- You think fire was an invention? Alex uses Rhodesia as a defense for not feeling guilty about slavery
- Church collection plates are being donated to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- BMGF is promoting white genocide because the West is evil
- Alex claims Diangelo is paid $12,000 a day
- White people rejected racism, so now they teach racism to minorities
- Free market capitalism is a gift from Jesus Christ
- Discussion: Biblical economic laws
- The law of jubilee
- Alex calls Diangelo a witch
- "hordes, packs of black people"
- Alex can't let Diangelo video play because she's correct and he knows it
- Acknowledging different racial experiences is racist
- Alex gets creepy about race
- HIV was only a test
- Alex talks about a woman and child pushed in front of a train
- Discussion: Woman/Child train death
Notable Bits
- Mic Down