307: February 3-5, 2013
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a little look at a very uninspired string of episodes of the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex gets condescending about the Super Bowl, has a caller accuse him of being controlled opposition, and throws an impromptu rally to yell at Piers Morgan, who is in Texas doing some filming.
- Superbowl Sunday!
- Caller: who's Malorie Mahonie?
- You're mentally ill and I appreciate your call
- Caller accuses Alex of being controlled opposition
- Discussion: Malorie Mahonie
- Background: David Chase Taylor
- I am the Messiah
- Alex hits around crisis actors
- Obama skeet shooting is a fake picture
- You can't photoshop the picture
- Piers Morgan is coming to Texas, Alex is pissed
- Alex tracks down Piers, films, asks to be on his show again
- Alex cuts a promo outside CNN
- Alex comes in on little sleep
- Alex supports vigilante militias
- CNN was nice after the cameras turned off
- Alex wants back on Piers
- CNN tried to make Alex look fat
- Alex gives an actual apology to gun store owner
- Alex interviews Dr Peter Glidden
- Glidden: Naturopath, Youngevity board member, says chemo doesn't work
- Discussion: Harvard fluoride study
- Fluoride article came from Huffington Post contributor platform
- Pete does an ad pivot for his own shit on Alex's show
- "Fire your doctor now"
- Ted Anderson and Rob Dew fixed knee issues with a chiropractor and Beyond Tangy Tangerine
- Discussion: testimonials
- Glidden doesn't make money from vitamin sales, but his family does because they're not stupid