308: February 6-8, 2013
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Today, Dan and Jordan continue their exploration of Alex Jones' behavior in the weeks after Sandy Hook, to better understand what happened. In this installment, not much is learned on that front, but the gents finally find shooting that Alex thinks is real, and learn that Alex may think that insects are a conspiracy.
- The universe is the thoughts of the creator
- Alex knows the world is a simulation because he's read the bible
- Discussion: Cosmic Ray Particles
- PJW talks science!
- DNA is a crystaline antenna to god
- Alex uses politics to Trojan Horse people to god
- We have alien DNA
- If the universe is a simulation, there's a creator
- Alex has word diarrhea
- GCN has 1300 radio stations
- Discussion: GCN stations and shows
- Alex is not the biggest draw on GCN
- Molon Labe is more popular than the Gadsden flag
- Put up a Molon Labe poster at work
- Alex is clowing around because he's sick of anti-gun people
- I know I'm doing god's will
- Alex believes serial cop killer Christopher Dorner is a real shooter
- Discussion: Alex's treatment of Dorner manhunt
- Discussion: what makes a false flag?
- Insects are biomechanical
- Alex's grift works if he doesn't support the president
- Alex's mom got flipped off by a helicopter
- Alex doesn't trust Dick Armey
- Alex talks about poop, Glenn Beck, and Karl Rove a lot
- This makes no fucking sense
- I think it's good therapy for me to go out and shoot the 50 cal
- Alex isn't against Freedom Works
- Alex keeps running out of enthusiasm
- Alex is obsessed with an asteroid
- Alex takes a random call on air, it's Geraldo's people
- Alex says he doesn't want to cover the news
- Cops are aloof
- Alex is happy with his cop impression
- All we have to do is kill 1 cop and disappear
- Dorner could be fake, but he's not
- This is why soldiers shouldn't be cops
- Space command is going to redirect the asteroid... plays Asteroids for way too long
- Early "April first" joke
- It doesn't help the gun grabber agenda, so it's real
- Here's the key to the gun grabber agenda, after this break... he doesn't get to it
- Dorner is an Obama and Piers Morgan supporter (this is what Alex complains the media does to him)
Notable Bits
- Bugs are machines